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  1. Should be getting the saw back tomorrow has been fixed under sthils warrenty, due to further investigation it was found to also have a hole in the top of the piston.
  2. Hopefully will hear from the dealer today, my main concern is how I prove that I only ever ran moto in the saw, it's my word against there's!
  3. Yeah just domestic use, a mornings use once every 2months. I don't think it over revved I wasn't using it flat out just cutting threw logs once iv have them on the saw horse, then letting it idle whilst I get the next one in position.
  4. Hi Was using my ms211 for general firewood cutting duties today only used it about 6 times and have used the litre of moto mix I got when I purchased the saw. I ran out today so I went and purchased 5ltrs of moto mix and topped the saw up, ran for about 15-20mins and then died, I took it into the shop I brought it from and after a quick 5min inspection the saw has major piston score , they are going to carry out a crankcase case compression check, if the results are ok then they said stihl are unlikely to warranty (it's under a year old) the piston score. I have only ever used moto mix due to the frequency I use the saw and i have never or would lend it to anyone. Anybody else had this issue? Any advice would be great thanks
  5. Don't risk it not worth it for 40 odd quids worth of fuel, will do way more damage than it's worth.
  6. Im going to get a bit of abuse but I'm trained. By no means am I a purfect driver A group of us all parents no retirees from our village where trained by the local PCSO, took about an hour. In Gloucestershire all we do is record speeds no regestrations are recorded it's about gathering data to determine what appropriate coarse of action should be taken i.e. Mobile van or traffic calming measures. All the CSW is trying to do is make there community safer and to help slow speeding drivers down. I guess if someone got knocked down or a serious accident happened and people where seriously injured or killed then we would all think it was tragic even those that hate Do gooders!
  7. I also brought a 211 for dealing with my firewood requirements it's great for getting the logs in to suitable sizes ready for chopping, not really used it out in the field yet, but I'm sure it will do me for my small needs
  8. I run large crews of guys but not in arb, personally I find it best if you have an issue is to talk reaonsonay to the person/s you have an issue with an explain the problem, they may not realise that what they are doing is a problem to you, you are the new guy and jumping in all guns blazing with better ways to do things will only potentially put people's backs up and getting them to change will be even harder. After all you are all adults and in an ideal world should be able to sort it without it getting ugly! But pick your moment shouting from the top of the tree won't be well recieved but maybe in the pub at the end of the day over a pint you might get a better response. Be prepared not to get your own way tho you may have to compromise.
  9. Thanks I will check it out
  10. Check your main earth on the battery is good connections are clean and tight both ends There may also be an earth from engine to chassi/body work check this aswell.
  11. I was hoping with enough well placed screws it should hold and I was also thinking a few vertical uprights to hold them in place
  12. Hi I am looking for the long lengths of bark off cuts about 10inchs wide from milling preferabley hardwood with some wood still on the back, going to use it for the kids tree house project I'm undertaking. Not sure what value these have to anyone? Hope the above makes sense Thanks Dave
  13. Hi Sorry hope you don't mind me hijacking the post! I need to do something similar, how do you best fix the beam to the chimney breast without showing the fixings. Thanks again
  14. Hi I used to instruct indoor climbing and Absailing was competent and heights didn't bother me but I was respectful of the dangers. One day I was climbing with a ground person belaying my safety, I missed a hold and slipped and fell 40ft on to the ground very lucky escape no injured rise , it happens because they didn't have the belay correctly adjusted. Took me 10yrs to attempt climbing again but didn't enjoy it as much, I have been up to some different heights now in mewps but still can get very nervous all of a sudden but I push my comfort zone that little bit every time to build my confidence back always on my own unless I really trust the person I'm with, I have to be in control people on the ground are aware of my past and we have 2way coms incase I get into trouble. My point really is slowly but surely, it's no bad thing checking your kit frequently as many have said don't be complacent and don't worry about what the folk on the ground might or might not be thinking. Good luck, don't put pressure on yourself either as stress will make it worse Hope that helps PM me if you fancy a chat
  15. Daveo


    What do cows eat for breakfast? Moosli.... Sorry it's terrible but my kids love it


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