Got to say this tread is a wealth of knowledge and Im sure its an inspiration to a lot of us. Spud & GardenKit, your input and the help you give to the forum is second to none and personally I think an ARBtalk award of greatness should be presented to you guys. I have started reading this thread from the start (nightly read before bed..... sad I know) ..... have found the excuse of buying shed loads of tools 'just in case' I need them
Im no pro mechanic but have always serviced my growing list of engine driven 'tools (2T & 4S)'..... now I could open a service shop with the tools I have purchased!
Anyway, with all this wealth of experience and advise, together with our resident Aspens preacher Mr GardenKit I can not ignore his experience and expertise in these matters of keeping your kit in tip top shape so I dived in and converted to Aspens for all my 2S kit (for starters!)
Aspens seems to run great in all my Stihl equipment apart from my little 7 year old lightly used (apx 20 tanks) MS170 which seems to struggle to tickover reliably. I have tweaked the tickover Screw and set it on 2800rpm (it tops out at apx 13500-14000 and is very responsive) .... read with that tach I bought after reading Arbtalk...!
The next time I go to use it a few days later it wont tick over well and measure it at around 2k rpm which is low. I tried changing the Carb (OEM) (they are cheap for these saws), and it seemed to fix the issue, but next time I used it it was low on tickover again.
What I have found is if I hold the saw with its bar pointing up or down, it seems to tick over better, not perfect but better.
Now - The tickover screw does not seem to do anything, screw it all the way in makes no difference - it does not seem to affect the tickover much (thats on both carbs, so not the carb).
With Premium fuel + Stihl HP mix, I did not notice an issue with this saw. I have read on this forum somewhere that with old kit you should replace the fuel lines before using Aspens which I have not done yet.
I have NOT put Petrol mix back in to see if its OK with that (which is one thing I will try), but is there anything you guys can advise I should try.... is this a common issue with old chainsaws and Aspens.
Thanks in advance.
UK Guy