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Stephen Arb Association

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Everything posted by Stephen Arb Association

  1. Hi Everyone - I'll post this here but also as a thread to make sure it doesn't get lost. We've been in touch with PETZL to get clarification on this alert, which was originally published by the construction firm managing the site in question 'KBR'. UPDATE: https://www.trees.org.uk/News-Blog/Latest-News/Correction-and-Update-Safety-Bulletin-UAG065 (Please share accordingly) Correction and Update: Safety Bulletin UAG065 Reference: UAG Safety Bulletin 65 sent on Tuesday 25 February titled ‘HSE ALERT – High Potential Equipment Failure / Fall From Height’ The details in UAG Safety Bulletin 65 were originally published by a construction company responsible for the site where the incident referenced occurred. There were factual and technical inaccuracies contained within the alert which should be disregarded. We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused. Update and further guidance Thank you to PETZL for providing the following update and technical information. Please read it carefully and distribute accordingly. Petzl Update: PETZL are aware of the product referred to in the (UK) Arb Associations Safety Bulletin dated the 21st of February 2020 Ref. No. UAG065. The product had been sent back to PETZL in late December 2019 for full analysis. The analysis that was reported to the customer in January 2020 showed there were no broken parts and no manufacturing defect with the product, but it was found to be a maintenance issue. PETZL would like to remind all users how to care for your ZIGZAG to maintain the function and prolong the lifetime of your product. All information about the specific instructions on inspecting, checking and maintaining can be found on PETZL.com. www.petzl.com/GB/en/Professional/Descenders/ZIGZAG-PLUS On this page you will need to click the link for Technical Information, this will lead you to 4 downloadable documents detailing: Technical Notice PPE Inspection procedure PPE checklist Tips for maintaining your equipment. Should you have any questions or require advice on correct use, inspection and maintenance of your PETZL product please contact your local PETZL after sales department. The Association recommends that users regularly inspect kit and always take care of their safety gear by following the specific maintenance recommendations for each product used in their Personal Fall Protection System.
  2. Great find! Interesting guy, maybe they should put wiseguys in charge of tree planting
  3. Hi All, I just wanted to add that all the drafts of these Technical Guides have been promoted for industry consultation far and wide - which has been essential in shaping their content, so thanks to everyone who contributed. Also to confirm that once the draft of the updated Technical Guide 1 is complete it will be open to consultation again, giving everyone a chance to feedback before the new guidance is finalised. We'll post the ARB Magazine article which includes the timeline going forward and some frequently asked questions which hopefully will prove useful. We're also developing a detailed FAQ webpage which will be available shortly. We're developing demonstration videos, but we're also going to host some demonstration events in Spring 2020 which will also include Q&A sessions. Obviously it was distributed through other channels too, but here is the original draft consultation for TG1 Arbtalk post:
  4. Hi Sam, This page is good for keeping in touch with competitions https://www.facebook.com/UKTreeClimbing/ We try to share everything there. As far as 2020 goes: The 3ATC Open will take place during 15th-16th May at the ARB Show The UK & Ireland Competition will take place in September, dates confirmed very soon I'm pretty sure the Sheffield Tree Trials (Which took place during the Sheffield Folk Forest Festival in late July) will happen again too. Hope that helps. Thanks, Steve
  5. Hi Folks, Just wanted to remind everyone that Early Bird discount (save up to 30%) for the 53rd AA Conference is closing a week earlier this year on 2nd August. Full Schedule: https://www.trees.org.uk/Amenity-Conference/Conference-Timetable-2019 Monday speakers: https://www.trees.org.uk/Amenity-Conference/Monday-Speakers-2019 Tuesday speakers: https://www.trees.org.uk/Amenity-Conference/Tuesday-Speakers-2019 Wednesday speakers: https://www.trees.org.uk/Amenity-Conference/Wednesday-Speakers-2019 Pricing and options: https://www.trees.org.uk/Amenity-Conference/Pricing-and-Options Hope to see lots of you there! If you have any questions or queries, just give us a call or e-mail [email protected] Thanks, Steve (AA Marketing Manager)
  6. Hi All, The Association is thrilled to announce the appointment of John Parker (MArborA) as our new Senior Technical Officer, further widening and developing the skill set of the organisation’s technical team. John, who begins his post on 5th August 2019, brings a unique and valuable skill set to the Association and his joining will strengthen the AA team considerably. Welcome on board John! Read more here: https://bit.ly/2MGti8D
  7. Hi Steve - We'll certainly release the results, most like in the ARB Mag but I'll also post it to the AA website and send you the link when it's available. Good that they are involving Arb in the parliamentary review as well, seems like we're finally starting to get their attention but we'll have to keep prodding. On a side note, getting arboriculture listed on the SIC codes list might be a good start - http://resources.companieshouse.gov.uk/sic/ Surely if '01440 - Raising of camels and camelids' warrants its own code then so do we!? Apologies to any camel breeders out there...
  8. P&D ID Poster also attached - handy for anyone to pin up in the office. The tree alert url has changed as FC have a new website: https://treealert.forestry.gov.uk/ A2 Biosecurity Poster - A3 Landscape – Nov18-web.pdf
  9. Hi All, I hope this will be of use to everyone, please share and spread the word. FREE Application of Biosecurity in Arboriculture eBook Launched The new Arboricultural Association ‘Application of Biosecurity in Arboriculture’ Guidance Note is now available in digital and print formats. The document provides detailed best practice guidance for Arborists working in any role in arboriculture and environmental sectors, with a helpful document key indicating which sections are directly relevant to each job role. The publication was developed by principal authors Simon Cox and James Roberts, with valuable assistance from a host of Association members and supporting organisations including Forestry Commission England and the Trees & Design Action Group. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to tackle biosecurity. Free eBook: http://www.trees.org.uk/gn2 Buy Your Copy Here: https://www.trees.org.uk/Book-Shop/Products/Application-of-Biosecurity-in-Arboriculture-en We've also got a couple of posters which have been sent with the latest ARB Magazine - I have attached one and will post the P & D Identification Test poster once I have an electronic copy. There are further biosecurity resources available here in the non-member version of Help for Arborists: https://www.trees.org.uk/Help-Advice/Help-for-Arborists Thanks, Steve A2 Biosecurity Poster - A2 Landscape – Jan19-PRINT.pdf
  10. Government Survey on Shortage Occupation List - Arboriculture asked to contribute Shortage Occupation List 2018: Call for Evidence The Migration Advisory Committee have published their intention to review the Shortage Occupation List and the Arborist Working Group (AWG) are seeking to submit a consolidated response on behalf of the Arboricultural Association. In conjunction with the 2019 Parliamentary Review, which the AWG also has an involvement in, this is a good opportunity for the industry to make itself heard and encourage greater Government support in the development and promotion of careers in Arboriculture. The survey will take 10-12 minutes. Take the Survey Survey Closes 3rd January 2019 In June 2018, the government commissioned the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to carry out a full review of the composition of the shortage occupation list (SOL), to report in spring 2019. The MAC was asked to start the review of the SOL in the autumn. In order to asses which occupations and job titles should be added to the Shortage Occupation List (SOL) the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) uses both national data and evidence submitted by stakeholders. The MAC considers both sets of evidence in combination. The MAC is adopting a new approach to its call for evidence and engagement with stakeholders. The MAC will focus on specific job titles rather than broader occupations and requires evidence that supports this approach. The evidence produced by stakeholders is very important in helping to assess which job titles are in shortage. The MAC ask that all respondents to this call for evidence complete an online form that will comprise their evidence to this review of the SOL. Take the Survey
  11. Hi Folks, Just to clarify the Help for Arborists templates - risk assessments, toolbox talks etc which used to be free became a member benefit about 18 months ago. They are available to all levels of membership which starts at Foundation grade for £60/year, that's £5 a month - less than a Netflix subscription and a damn sight more useful as your also supporting raising the profile of the industry and professionalism. You also get 4 Arb magazines a year, 2 e-newsletters a month, free technical advice, access to the supplier discounts catalogue, free entry to the ARB Show and the ability to get involved and change what you don't like. There are still some useful links in the 'free' area below https://www.trees.org.uk/Help-Advice/Help-for-Arborists Thanks, Steve
  12. Hello To all our Cornwall Arbs (and any interested), Just wanted to make sure no one misses out on this one, tickets are selling fast and the Cornwall Branch has put on some fantastic events over the past 2 years. Cornwall Branch has announced an exciting line-up for its 2018 Autumn Seminar at the Waterside Resort in Bodmin on Tuesday 20th November. Featuring talks from The Forestry Commission (Pests & Diseases), Cornwall Council, Paul Diamond (Urban Trees and Wildlife), Cornwall Wildlife Trust and Jeremy Barrell delivering a new presentation on Highway Tree Inspections for the first time. Tickets from £30 - BOOKING: https://www.trees.org.uk/Training-And-Events/Course-Detail?id=A352978D-DF9B-4490-8225-D1AE6068BEA1 Jeremy Barrell – Highway tree inspections; are you on the right side of the law? Forestry Commission Tree Health Team – Learning what to look out for with the latest P&D Cornwall Council – What’s new at County level Paul Diamond – Informed tree selections for local wildlife Cornwall Wildlife Trust – The Cornwall Beaver reestablishment project and the impact of Beaver populations on woodland The Forestry Commission will be updating us with latest situation in the world of Pests and Diseases and explaining what we can all do on a personal and professional level to help. There have been a lot of developments this year, from the spread of Oak Processionary Moth to the release of detailed industry guidance on the application of biosecurity practices. Jeremy Barrell will present a summary on the current state of the nation in respect of highway tree inspections and offer his interpretation of what the standard of duty of care is likely to look like into 2019, and beyond. Jeremy has been involved in six of the 11 civil cases relating to harm arising from tree failures that have resulted in written judgments in the last two decades. Find out more about Jeremys’ exclusive presentation: https://www.trees.org.uk/Trees.org.uk/files/ea/ea8ac2fc-4ab0-4ca3-a398-de1f0e43af86.pdf Cornwall Council will be updating us on what’s new at County level, with the latest news around trees and development. Paul Diamond of Ecological Surveys will be presenting key takeaways from his fascinating research into tree and wildlife associations. His project will help to determine the impact on our urban habitats if we continue to plant exotic trees. Finally, the Cornwall Wildlife Trust will be telling us about their work in bringing Beavers back to Cornwall. The first beavers in over 400 years were born in June 2018. This exciting project has lots of ecological implications not least on the surrounding woodland and as tree care professionals it is a subject that we should be aware of.
  13. Hello To all our Cornwall Arbs (and any interested), Just wanted to make sure no one misses out on this one, tickets are selling fast and the Cornwall Branch has put on some fantastic events over the past 2 years. Cornwall Branch has announced an exciting line-up for its 2018 Autumn Seminar at the Waterside Resort in Bodmin on Tuesday 20th November. Featuring talks from The Forestry Commission (Pests & Diseases), Cornwall Council, Paul Diamond (Urban Trees and Wildlife), Cornwall Wildlife Trust and Jeremy Barrell delivering a new presentation on Highway Tree Inspections for the first time. Tickets from £30 - BOOKING: https://www.trees.org.uk/Training-And-Events/Course-Detail?id=A352978D-DF9B-4490-8225-D1AE6068BEA1 Jeremy Barrell – Highway tree inspections; are you on the right side of the law? Forestry Commission Tree Health Team – Learning what to look out for with the latest P&D Cornwall Council – What’s new at County level Paul Diamond – Informed tree selections for local wildlife Cornwall Wildlife Trust – The Cornwall Beaver reestablishment project and the impact of Beaver populations on woodland The Forestry Commission will be updating us with latest situation in the world of Pests and Diseases and explaining what we can all do on a personal and professional level to help. There have been a lot of developments this year, from the spread of Oak Processionary Moth to the release of detailed industry guidance on the application of biosecurity practices. Jeremy Barrell will present a summary on the current state of the nation in respect of highway tree inspections and offer his interpretation of what the standard of duty of care is likely to look like into 2019, and beyond. Jeremy has been involved in six of the 11 civil cases relating to harm arising from tree failures that have resulted in written judgments in the last two decades. Find out more about Jeremys’ exclusive presentation: https://www.trees.org.uk/Trees.org.uk/files/ea/ea8ac2fc-4ab0-4ca3-a398-de1f0e43af86.pdf Cornwall Council will be updating us on what’s new at County level, with the latest news around trees and development. Paul Diamond of Ecological Surveys will be presenting key takeaways from his fascinating research into tree and wildlife associations. His project will help to determine the impact on our urban habitats if we continue to plant exotic trees. Finally, the Cornwall Wildlife Trust will be telling us about their work in bringing Beavers back to Cornwall. The first beavers in over 400 years were born in June 2018. This exciting project has lots of ecological implications not least on the surrounding woodland and as tree care professionals it is a subject that we should be aware of.
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  14. Hi Folks Only a few places left on the Bristol course. The first course took place this week in Wokingham and earned rave reviews. Applied Tree Biology will develop a fundamental understanding of tree biology and help arboriculturalists understand the science that underpins tree management practices. Run by Dr Andy Hirons this is not a course to be missed. Booking: https://www.trees.org.uk/Training-And-Events/Course-Detail?id=84431A57-8C26-4077-949C-F8FF979920E6
  15. Hi Folks Only a few places left on the Bristol course. The first course took place this week in Wokingham and earned rave reviews. Applied Tree Biology will develop a fundamental understanding of tree biology and help arboriculturalists understand the science that underpins tree management practices. Run by Dr Andy Hirons this is not a course to be missed. Booking: https://www.trees.org.uk/Training-And-Events/Course-Detail?id=84431A57-8C26-4077-949C-F8FF979920E6
  16. Hi All, I hope this will be of use to everyone, please share and spread the word. There are further biosecurity resources available here in the non-member version of Help for Arborists: https://www.trees.org.uk/Help-Advice/Help-for-Arborists FREE Application of Biosecurity in Arboriculture eBook Launched The new Arboricultural Association ‘Application of Biosecurity in Arboriculture’ Guidance Note is now available in digital and print formats. The document provides detailed best practice guidance for Arborists working in any role in arboriculture and environmental sectors, with a helpful document key indicating which sections are directly relevant to each job role. The publication was developed by principal authors Simon Cox and James Roberts, with valuable assistance from a host of Association members and supporting organisations including Forestry Commission England and the Trees & Design Action Group. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to tackle biosecurity. Buy Your Copy Here: https://www.trees.org.uk/Book-Shop/Products/Application-of-Biosecurity-in-Arboriculture-en Free eBook: http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&pubid=4cfe59b6-6eec-411e-b305-0a2ce0d99e73
  17. Hi All, I hope this will be of use to everyone, please share and spread the word. There are further biosecurity resources available here in the non-member version of Help for Arborists: https://www.trees.org.uk/Help-Advice/Help-for-Arborists FREE Application of Biosecurity in Arboriculture eBook Launched The new Arboricultural Association ‘Application of Biosecurity in Arboriculture’ Guidance Note is now available in digital and print formats. The document provides detailed best practice guidance for Arborists working in any role in arboriculture and environmental sectors, with a helpful document key indicating which sections are directly relevant to each job role. The publication was developed by principal authors Simon Cox and James Roberts, with valuable assistance from a host of Association members and supporting organisations including Forestry Commission England and the Trees & Design Action Group. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to tackle biosecurity. Buy Your Copy Here: https://www.trees.org.uk/Book-Shop/Products/Application-of-Biosecurity-in-Arboriculture-en Free eBook: http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&pubid=4cfe59b6-6eec-411e-b305-0a2ce0d99e73
  18. Hi Folks, Just wanted to let you all know about our fantastic line up for Arborists in East Anglia at just £6, featuring an evening of informative lectures including top speakers David Evans (VALID Tree Risk Assessment System) and Jim Mullholland (Bats and Arboriculture). Followed by the first East Anglia AGM in some time where we hope to install a new committee. BOOK YOUR PLACE HERE: https://www.trees.org.uk/Training-And-Events/Course-Detail?id=DF4E25D5-E3C1-49D3-BDDD-47E1E3C53DD7 VALID with David Evans The first speaker David Evans will discuss the VALID system. The world of tree risk assessment and management tends to fall into one of two camps. A ‘quantitative’ path pioneered by Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA). And a ‘qualitative’ route which the International Society of Arboriculture has gone down with Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ). David’s presentation will explore and deliver a third way, that is VALID. VALID marries the benefits of both quantitative numbers and qualitative words in an easy to use and understand tree risk-benefit assessment App. Bats and Arboriculture Jim Mullholland will be giving his highly popular talk on Bat Surveying and explaining what we can do better. New East Anglia Branch Committee – Volunteers needed The objectives of East Anglia Branch are to engage with the public, tree owners and professionals to further the aims of the Arboricultural Association. We aim to provide quality training events throughout East Anglia, to raise the profile of arboriculture in East Anglia and promote a better understanding of the environment in East Anglia. We will have representatives from the South East branch on hand to give some advice to perspective committee members. The South East Branch will round the talks off with a short presentation on how to increase branch engagement and answer any questions from people thinking about joining the new East Anglia Committee. The Annual General meeting will take place after the talks and a new Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Committee will hopefully be elected. If you would like to make an impact in your local branch this is your opportunity to get involved. GET INVOLVED If you’re interested in being part of the committee and helping to get things started please email [email protected] Can’t Attend? Don’t worry, you can still volunteer to put your name forward for the branch committee – just let us know!
  19. Hi Folks, We've got a fantastic line up for Arborists in East Anglia at just £5, featuring an evening of informative lectures including top speakers David Evans (VALID Tree Risk Assessment System) and Jim Mullholland (Bats and Arboriculture). Followed by the first East Anglia AGM in some time where we hope to install a new committee. 10th October 2018 BOOK NOW https://www.trees.org.uk/Training-And-Events/Course-Detail?id=DF4E25D5-E3C1-49D3-BDDD-47E1E3C53DD7 VALID with David Evans: The first speaker David Evans will discuss the VALID system. The world of tree risk assessment and management tends to fall into one of two camps. A ‘quantitative’ path pioneered by Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA). And a ‘qualitative’ route which the International Society of Arboriculture has gone down with Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ). David’s presentation will explore and deliver a third way, that is VALID. VALID marries the benefits of both quantitative numbers and qualitative words in an easy to use and understand tree risk-benefit assessment App. Bats and Arboriculture: Jim Mullholland will be giving his highly popular talk on Bat Surveying and explaining what we can do better. New East Anglia Branch Committee - Volunteers needed: The objectives of East Anglia Branch are to engage with the public, tree owners and professionals to further the aims of the Arboricultural Association. We aim to provide quality training events throughout East Anglia, to raise the profile of arboriculture in East Anglia and promote a better understanding of the environment in East Anglia. We will have representatives from the South East branch on hand to give some advice to perspective committee members. The South East Branch will round the talks off with a short presentation on how to increase branch engagement and answer any questions from people thinking about joining the new East Anglia Committee. The Annual General meeting will take place after the talks and a new Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Committee will hopefully be elected. If you would like to make an impact in your local branch this is your opportunity to get involved. Get Involved: If you’re interested in being part of the committee and helping to get things started please e-mail [email protected]
  20. We're at APF 2018 on stand H3, round the corner from Honey Brothers and next to AUS - Come and say hello, grab a copy of new Biosecurity Guidance Note for £5 - only at APF. The new Application of Biosecurity Guidance provides best practice guidance for Arborists any role in arboriculture, from practical application to policy advisors. It's also available as a free ebook here: https://www.trees.org.uk/Help-Advice/Biosecurity ArbAC Accreditations Manager Paul Smith will be there Friday and Saturday
  21. The 2018 UK & Ireland Tree Climbing Competition starts at 09.30am tomorrow at the University of Exeter. The Masters Final takes place at 09.30 on Sunday morning. If anyone would like to come along to spectate and cheer along our climbers the Venue Map, Directions and Schedule are all available in the joining instructions here: https://www.trees.org.uk/Trees.org.uk/files/3f/3fa29352-4a00-40c8-b81e-08c2a1185e3a.pdf Hope to see some of you there! Thanks, Steve
  22. Hi Folks, Just wanted to let you know that you can now download the Soils & Trees Conference App to find out everything you need to know about the Conference Schedule, who’s Exhibiting and where everything is all in one place. DOWNLOAD HERE: https://crowd.cc/s/20Tzm The Conference App enables you to make the most out of your event experience; bookmark your must-see speakers and exhibitors or plan your schedule. Book your place: https://www.trees.org.uk/Training-And-Ev…/Amenity-Conference
  23. Hi Folks, Just wanted to let you know that you can now download the Soils & Trees Conference App to find out everything you need to know about the Conference Schedule, who’s Exhibiting and where everything is all in one place. DOWNLOAD HERE: https://crowd.cc/s/20Tzm The Conference App enables you to make the most out of your event experience; bookmark your must-see speakers and exhibitors or plan your schedule. Book your place: https://www.trees.org.uk/Training-And-Ev…/Amenity-Conference
  24. Hi all, Online booking is open for the 2018 UK & Ireland Tree Climbing Competition, sponsored by Husqvarna. We've already got a great field of competitors registered and some excellent prizes from Marlow, Haecksler, Husqvarna and more. Book your spot here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/2018-uk-ireland-tree-climbing-competition-tickets-46366617802 Competition preview: https://www.trees.org.uk/News-Blog/Latest-News/UK-Ireland-Tree-Climbing-Competition-Returns-to More about the competition: https://www.trees.org.uk/Training-Events/Climbing-Competitions/UK-Ireland-Tree-Climbing-Competition The UK & Ireland Climbing Competition has been running since 1995 as part of a global series that provides competitive and educational opportunities for working arborists to demonstrate and exchange new climbing techniques, increase industry interaction and provide positive public exposure for the profession. The highest placed finishers qualify for the following years’ European Tree Climbing Championships in Germany and are also eligible for the International Tree Climbing Championship.
  25. Just a reminder that the Early Bird Discount for 'Soils & Trees - Standing your Ground' ends next Friday 10th August. Save up to 24% on your place before the deadline. See the timetable, speakers and book here: https://www.trees.org.uk/Amenity-Conference Soils and their importance have come into focus in recent years and understanding their science is increasingly recognised as critical to improving the establishment and growth of trees, whatever their setting. For professionals involved in the care and cultivation of amenity trees, Arboriculture begins and ends with the soil. Read our speaker spotlight preview: https://www.trees.org.uk/News-Blog/Latest-News/Soils-Trees-Conference-Speaker-Spotlights More training and events for arborists here: https://www.trees.org.uk/Training-And-Events Thanks


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