I've emailed Logmaster, and discovered from my email account that I have set them an email months ago when looking into mills back then, but no response from the email listed on their website. Do have an alternative address
I've had quotes from TimbkerKing for 1600 and 2000 which look similar, except more hp in the head and a few extra hydraulics on the 1600, and no setworks on 1600. The 2000 is considerably more expensive than the Woodmizer Lt40 i've been quote for, but the 1600 a little cheaper.
I've emailed the polish company Big J suggested, Trak-Met, who respond very quickly and in perfect English, bust sadly even their mobile mills are 3-phase, which I don't have access to. The mills look awesome!
I've also found a used 1996 Woodmizer 5 hours away, but looks like a bag of nails, and at over £10k possibly not worth it. Don't need another machine that spends more time broken than working, and needs oiling every use.
Hudson look good, but don't have a CE approved mobile mill with hydraulics, and without being mobile or hydraulic the only benefit of a bandsaw over my Logosol M8 and alsakan mill combo is speed of each cut, and kerf.
The guy at TimkerKing UK has been very helpful, but for what I can stretch to, the 1600,I may be better off with a Lt40 with setworks, full hydraulics and the lapsider for the same price. He said that if woodmizer are prepared to offer such a good discount they must be desperate for a sale, which makes me think I may be better off with a woodmizer?
Have to make a deposit of 20% this week to access the Woodmizer offer if I'm going down that road. I've been talking to them for nearly a year now, so I'm going to have to bite the bullet and make a decision very soon.
Looks like my main options are Timberking 1600 or Woodmizer Lt40. Both the same price, but Woodmizer has more hydraulics, setworks and would include a lapsider and shingle maker, which I need. Main advantage of the TK 1600 over WM LT40 is the log loader can handle a heavier log. Unless Logmaster are contactable, their mills look awesome, and at £21k for a new one imported, and less for a used one, sounds like best value.
I'm not going to have the opportunity to invest this much in a mill again, since I'm building a new house, and by milling much of the timber I can save between £12k and £15k, which goes along way towards paying for it. I just want to make the right decision, and Woodmizer seem to have a very hardcore following, but equal measures of critics.