To be fairly honest it is the global economic system that needs to be blamed for all the troubles as if timber prices would be same in every country of the world then there would be no point of importing it ( unless country cannot outsource enough of its own product which is the UK case unfortunately)
You cannot blame the poor Chinese for all the trouble as probably only a few of you know that China import 80% of Birch from Russia and Baltic's for instance because it simply doesn't grow in China however they make a lot of furniture and construction materials from it. How immoral isn't it as then this furniture comes back to Baltic's and Russia. China actually outsmarted many countries by keeping costs low and encouraging businesses to move there to manufacture their goods:
1= Chinese got lots of jobs so could keep their billion population working whilst in transition from socialism to part capitalistic system
2= China now owns us as they provide all the goods for us and can easily boycott manufacturing what will cause ultra chaos in the developed world.
3= They get all the technology there and very successfully learned to copy it. Now they manage to launch their own manned spacecrafts and are planning to go to the Moon by 2020
4= They are moving away from Dollar trade now which will cause a big trouble in the next couple of years as China holds the biggest reserve after US of dollars and bonds.
Coming back to the UK, costs of delivered to central UK 1m3 Kiln Dried Silver Birch which is ready to sell is around £ 78 and £74 for air dried. Considering costs which it will take to manufacture same goods here in the UK it is not much of a difference to pay for a ready to sell product. But this is not the main problem, the main problem is UK Government which decided to go Green in 6 years time by shutting down Power Plants and cutting down on Co2 by raising levy on coal. Financial Crisis isn't helping as 4 out of 10 Customer who I've served in East Anglia just had a new stove installed to help cut the bill. There are a lot of people going "green" here without realizing that local suppliers won't manage to meet with the demand.
9 out of 10 Firewood Merchant whom I've supplied in 2012/2013 ran out of their own logs by Christmas. They saved a lot for the season ( 600-1500m3) but that wasn't enough and they haven't got more space/time to make more anyway. If they would be importing the logs they would simply loose their customers as wouldn't be able to supply them with goods.
UK imports nearly 60% of all the firewood that is being burned during whole season, even more wood comes here for construction simply because they can't source enough locally and they never will.
According to my knowledge vikings used to bring cord from Sweden back in the 15-16th Century so importing logs isn't something that started happening recently.
UK will be deforested within 10 years if they stop importing wood and only consume what they have in their own woodlands.
Coming back to the economic system: It is simply unprofitable to deal with all the waste and **** in the world as well as deal with such low paid jobs as forest management in this country when people can make money otherwise. #
Well Guess I found who/what to blame. I guess there will be a lot of criticism flying my way but I don't really care as everything said above is purely my opinion, but I just felt like I need to share it with you people so that some of you wake up and see what is happening here.
P.S When I used to retail firewood I used to sell 1m3 of Kiln Dried Firewood for £99 delivered to local customers and that was a proper 1m3 with a 120x80x110 crate size.
I didn't want to kill the competition, I wanted people to save money and be able to spend it on other things which they probably need more in difficult times.
When doing wholesale I used to follow same logic of only charging what I think I've earned by doing this Job, paperwork, negotiations and handling, whilst hearing from other wholesales how easily they made £1000 profit by charging £90/m3 to desperate merchants....