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Everything posted by kevinjohnsonmbe

  1. Now there's the voice of experience! Much obliged Guv'nor!
  2. He is in for a treat, I left him a fiver for tying the 2 sheep up!
  3. Some will always be more welcome than others Gary! PS - sent you a message earlier - took a while to work out how to do it mind!
  4. Mine IS going to receive some special recognition - what with it being my birthday an all!
  5. Come on Mr Eggs, give it a shot! What's the worst that could happen - it could all end up being Aspen v 2 stroke mix, or am I too old to start a new career as an astronaut, or what happens if I change my chain from Oregon to Ting-tang, or look at what some other rogue has done to a beautiful tree that I quoted for or some other equally mundane and tedious chuff fruit that manages to roll for a day or 2 then wither on the vine! Mick should be heralded as a champion of modern day social interaction for starting and maintaining such a passionate and obviously gripping topic....
  6. Crikes! You actually DID do some research, I'm not sure if I should be impressed or concerned
  7. Hell's teeth! That would be a £550 bacon sandwich!!
  8. I'm going to throw you life-line, nice guy that I am..... I'm going to deconstruct the assumptions and prejudice in your comment above and give you some facts. I know this will be a challenge for you, it may require some attention to detail and a rewiring of your hard circuitry. Bear with me, the path to enlightenment is never going to be easy, especially when there is so much preconception and assumption to be dispelled. If I upset you, that's a start! A start towards your journey in examining your inner being... How do you feel qualified to opine on my educational history? I very much doubt you have expended the time and energy to research it - the first unfounded assumption. You think I "...perpetuate disharmony based upon race..." How do you feel qualified to make such a statement? I don't think you understand what racism actually is. Over to you, you find a single comment that I've ever stated on this forum which might fit a modern definition of racism. I say "on this forum" because you have no possible idea of my behavioural habits in any other sphere. You "...hazard a guess..." on the basis of an assumption which is unfounded that I "...consider the UK to be superior..." You want to pause and think about that? A "guess" based upon an unfounded assumption.... I consider all sovereign nations to be equal in their own right. Here's some fact for you - my previous career was, in very large part, dedicated to post conflict reconstruction and assistance to oppressed people. People of all races, cultures and creeds. What you refer to as "a title" is actually a post nominal associated with investiture into the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. It's important and relevant to mention this because it was in recognition of a significant contribution to the Balkans campaign which was a UN mandated operation to safeguard the Muslim population of the former Yugoslavia. You, again, assume I've been "indoctrinated to hate people" Here's a really important point, I don't "hate people" I judge each person I meet upon their own merits - equally, without favour or prejudice. I do however dislike and disagree with some policies - that is an inalienable right. I dislike the concept of multiculturalism and the subordinate policies of immigration on the basis that it has been hoisted upon the population of the UK (and other countries - but that is for them), and that it is, in it's current form, most likely to be the CUASE of social disharmony rather than a victim of it. When you talk of "indoctrination", the "need to understand" and the relative "merit" or otherwise of arguments, you might want to pause a moment, look in the mirror and review what your argument is before you press send matey....
  9. Only one way to interpret that Gary! As you have..... What those circumstances you describe might actually translate to (if yours is anything like mine) is that you send in your request for viewing appointment by email, within minutes you get an auto response which "aims to reply to your enquiry within 20 days." 15-20 days later, someone replies asking what it is you want. You reply saying an appointment to view TPO, +/- 5 days later you get a reply asking when you'd like your appointment, you reply with a date (or date range), +/- 5 days later you get a reply saying nothing available in that date range could you suggest another, you send another, +5/- 5 days later...... etc, etc, etc.....
  10. Where are you based Khriss? Would be great to get a second opinion! I'm following up on the massively lame LA response to this whole scenario today. The email traffic thus far has revealed either (a) a woeful lack of appreciation of what certainly seems pretty straight forward central guidance to me (I don't think the planning team have engaged with the forestry team yet otherwise they (probably) wouldn't be making what appear to be such rash statements, or (b) they are aware of having dropped the ball at the validation stage of the application but are not willing to acknowledge it and think lame, inaccurate statements might make it all just go away...
  11. That deserves an award for the least effort in just about any post I've ever seen on AT, are you getting tired peaches?
  12. At last! something we can agree upon Let the face punching commence! (In a "non-violent" Alt-Left sense of course) Dhoooooh! We still can't agree on what modern fascism is.... I think it's perpetuated by the likes of YOU!
  13. This is worth a laugh: https://socialistworker.co.uk/art/9975/Rage as Nick Griffin walks free A favourite quote from the piece: "...Anti-fascists cannot rely on the judicial system to stop the BNP. The case underlines the importance of supporting Unite activity on the ground..." So, no conviction for racism after due legal process = take direct action... what a twt! Id laugh my ttts off if you were found guilty of libel - unless of course you can find an example of a successful prosecution for racism? Im not hoisting a flag for BNP / Nick Griffin, just in case someone has a hissy fit, just asking how you think it's ok to behave in such bullish manner but feel so outraged by anyone else (e.g. NG) doing the same? Doesn't it make the likes of you just as bad / worse than - you know, like people in glass houses an all that....
  14. You know the trees Khriss? Its been a but bit quiet on this thread since I've been away and haven't really followed it up. Been a few emails but it hasn't got any better. Back on it tomorrow and will update!
  15. It'd be a close run thing! You'd have to have a shower first you smelly drain dweller!
  16. You know him? Or are you talking out of your tea-towel holder again? Prey tell... How do define "far-right?" (if you can) Is it what ever YOU don't like? That would certainly fit with the classic "shout down and attempt to denigrate that which isn't 'our' view of the world which seems to typify the UAF/antifa MO. Attempting to suppress free thought and speech - sound familiar - oh, the irony! So in your book, the Pope, the Arch Bishop of Canterbury, Trevor Phillips (to name just a few) and of course all the other "far right" commentators are wrong and you are the only voice of sanity in an otherwise deluded world? Talking about the difference between asylum and immigration, immigration & asylum quotas or points systems, islamification, foreign policy, multiculturalism et al, does not make a rascist even though the likes of UAF/antifa like to throw the label around like it should be a badge of shame. Yeah, good luck with that, it's been over used and abused and no longer provides an unquestionable blanket suppression to debate. "Glamourising the far-right?" How so? The "must read" comment was a cut & paste from the LSE book review. If (a) I didn't already have a long list of folks wanting a lend-loan and (b) I didn't think it'd be wasted on you, I'd send you a copy and ask you to highlight any rascist content. If I had the choice of having a beer with you or Tommy Robinson I'd be at the bar with him every time, the alternative holds no appeal whatsoever!
  17. Purely coincidental, but followed the above with Tommy Robinson's "Enemy of the State" The obvious and wholly expected "London wine bar liberal" critique of the book by LSE (http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lsereviewofbooks/2016/03/02/book-review-enemy-of-the-state-by-tommy-robinson/) firmly illustrates the failure of "the establishment" and poncy liberal tossers to grasp a situation from a perspective other than their own. Certainly no challenging read, it is the story of a football hooligan, in his own words mind, so no need to find a quiet corner and wrap a damp towel round your noggin. ...this book should be on the reading list of anyone who is concerned about social cohesion in Britain, or simply committed to rerum cognoscere causas... But be prepared to challenge your view of the EDL as a "far-right, fascist, xenophobic hotbed of intolerance and extremism" as universally portrayed by MSM - despite the best efforts and as described in the first person by the author. Unless of course, you already have the type of closed mind and bully-boy fascist, anti-freedom of expression that is the trade mark of UAF and antifa.
  18. He's a rough old Yorky Mark! It'll take a bit of time for him to adjust to the more cultured and nuanced characteristics of the "gentler" South Western hospitality!! Give it time, once he's whittled himself a pair of clogs and been ferreting he'll be more approachable!
  19. I chose that example specially because it's not "my team", so, hopefully demonstrating a degree of impartiality (although I take your point about it being "the opposition"). I'm happy to accept that men (or women) of far greater intellect, intelligence and experience, those that have dedicated their lives to study, thought and meditation, such as a former Holy See, might actually be able to rise above the petty intolerances and ignorance of the masses to achieve a clearer appreciation of the global scenario. Maybe you can example an Islamic equivalent?
  20. Yeah, they only lasted a fortnight in glorious Kernow before the natives scared 'em off! I'll still track you down even if it means me having to venture over the Tamar!! Good luck and best wishes for the new venture


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