Here's a post from the tree house.. wondering what you all think about it:
Almost every American has been brainwashed about how great a country we are and how the founding fathers were like saints walking the earth. After I read "Bo" Gritz's book, "Called to Serve", I didn't sleep for a week. There is not much evil that this government does or could do that would surprise me now. But it takes waking up from the brainwashing, which most would rather fight for. It's like being de-programmed from a cult. It's extremely hard to shatter those belief systems. And they don't die easily. Once you wake up, it's hard to walk around pretending everything is OK, as 600,000 Iraqi civilians die at the hands of DIck Cheney and company, or 3+ million peasants in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos die at the hands of Henry Kissinger. Or the 1/3 of the population of East Timor that died at the hands of Ford, Kissinger, and Carter. And the countless deaths throughout South and Central America at the hands of Oliver North and many others. Bo estimates in his book that the US is responsible for somewhere around 50 million deaths post-WWII to 1992. Then, of course, there is Aids, which if you believe that it came from monkeys, see the above on brainwashing. That man-made virus killed 1.7 million in 2004 alone.
Then there is West Nile virus and Lyme disease, made on plum island, US biological weapons base, the Tuskegee experiment, the abandoning of POWs in WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam, and the assassination of JFK, Bobby Kennedy, MLK Jr, and the Oklahoma City Bombing, and 911, genocide in the American Indians, and stealing their children as a tool of cultural destruction, which happened until the late 1970's . CIA drug imports to shatter inner-city communities and pay for their black ops. mind control, sex slave experiments, the separation of children from their parents at the US border, slavery and the imprisonment of black males post-emancipation as a means of continuing the system of slave labor, the racially biased application of the death penalty.
And that's mostly just the non-controversial stuff. I would include vaccinations as a means of child abuse, and the suppression of new energy technologies and cancer cures. If your buttons are getting pushed here see the above on brainwashing.