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AA Teccie (Paul)

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Everything posted by AA Teccie (Paul)

  1. Hi Tom, It's actually my colleague Guy Watson who determines 'Prof. Member' apps but I would certainly consider applying on the basis of your current qualifications & CPD etc. which looks quite favourable. HOWEVER, the current requirement is that you need to have been a member at Technician or Associate grade for the preceeding 2 years. Paul
  2. Hi (sorry, not quite sure how best to address you.) Unfortunately, not really operating in the world of education, I cannot offer any meaningful advice or comment on how the various 'levels' of qualifications are determined and arranged. However I would expect it to be in a structured and consistent manner based on course content, depth and no. of hours study etc., rather than being 'arbitrary'. Not quite sure I understand your comment about those who have invested in education losing out...unless it's a cryptic reference to our illustrious current politicians? Perhaps I'm missing the point completely (apologies if so) but an early start and a full day 'keyboard bashing' has rather fired my brain. Best regards. Paul
  3. Dear Arbtalk members, and in particular 'Bundle 2' who posted this question. As the person at the Association who determines 'Technician Member' applications I would like to offer further comment on this posting if I may. Whilst I recognise your frustrations, more particularly as someone holding not just one BUT two qualifications AND that if they sat with a different awarding body they would qualify you for Technician member, I'm afraid we entirely 'map' the AA membership grades against the National Qualifications Framework (NQF, as was) now QCF (Qualifications & Credits Framework)). The difference between C&Gs & BTEC, as I have been informed, is that the latter is generallly a 2 year course, as opposed to 1 year, and the technical content of the course is correspondingly to a higher level. Regarding your PTI certification, which isn't techncially a 'qualification' as such as it hasn't been through the due process and registered with the QCA (Qual. & Curriculum Authority), whilst very well recognised (and very hard to achieve) is classed as CPD and would, for instance, support an application from an 'equivalent' qualification holder at level 3, i.e. ND Hort. / ND Forestry. Hoping this clarifies matters, at least a little,...I need a (strong) coffee now!' Thanks all.. Paul
  4. Hi, As others have pointed out the FSB can be very useful in assisting you to comply with ALL those other areas you need to comply with if your are an employer that are nothing to do with arb. The 'Employment Law' issue itself I would suggest is reaosn enough to consider it as this changes almost weekly theese days and ensuring you keep up-to-speed is essential to avoid breaching the law and/or neglecting your duties. Many 'Approved Contractors' are members and feel it gives them value for money AND piece of mind. Cheers.. Paul
  5. Hi Jojam, Apologies for my late reply and if you've already had this information. I would suggest that once the clients requirement go from a standard quote to production of an inventory, including tagging, that fundamentally changes things. As a nominal fee I would suggest to tag and list a tree would be £5 per tree (for instance), the associated work spec would probably be part of your 'free quotes' service, and perhaps the arrangement could be to discount that amount from the actual works on securing the job...sounds reasonable to me?! Cheers.. Paul
  6. Hi Martyn1, I'm no 'legal eagle', and your post presents a very interesting conodrum, however I will try to offer a (personal) opinion. Whilst I quite agree that including a clause on your written quoatation stating 'All arising to be removed from site', or words to that effect, infers you are taking possesion of the timber I'm not sure that would stand up to a legal challenge. This particular case may now be down to gentle persuasion, a little bluffing perhaps, and careful negotiation BUT ideally, I would suggest, it should either state on the writtten quote that the price includes 'with any timber value transferring to yourself, or to include the value of the timber'...or summat like that, OR to include some quite specifc wording to that effect in your 'terms and conditions of service' AND, ideally, getting them (the customer) to sign to accept your quote and thereby the 'Ts & Cs' (although verbal aceptance does act to secure a 'contract'.) Sorry doesn't offer a solution on this occasion but hopefully may avoid a repeat in future. To ALL readers of my reply I promise I will try to be shorter and more concise in replying in future instead of 'waffling on man!' Cheers all. P.
  7. Morning forum members, I just wanted to post a quick 'thank you' to those who contributed to our on-line Approved Contractor scheme (which I manage) questionnaire, your views are greatly valued. The 'full' feedback is now available on the AA webiste (http://www.trees.org.uk) should you wish to view it (in total it runs to about a hundred pages so I'd grab a coffee...or summat stronger, before you settle down to read!) We are now in the process of analysing the feedback (and ALL 1,145 comments) which will then inform the process further. There should also be a 'summary' report posted shortly. Once again 'MANY THANKS ALL' and have a good weekend. Paul


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