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Everything posted by TMac
Bit of NTS work this week opening up the Balmacara village green. Canopy thinning & balancing up to 35ft, deadwood out, ground biodiversity opened up. Indy chilling for perspective. 🙃
Magno hard reduction today. Took a massive heavy main limb to the back of the head & across the shoulders today. Nearly took me out the tree with it. This is why you spend £100+ on a good Protos arb helmet, rope in properly & align your skillset with proper equipment. Without the Protos it would have opened my skull like an eggshell. When it got lowered, I kicked it & hurt my foot. F**k this tree 😆
Wee story: No mentioning the clients name. Wee tree job ongoing. 'I'll be there when I can, when the rain & gales stop. Turns out that was today, admittedly a month later. Was there all afternoon taming & shaping, crown reducing, yapping with a little old lady neighbour with Indy. Left my Arb ladder against his kitchen window rather than cart saws, pole saws, fuel, the whole lot the feck back. My brain: Client will come home, see tree newness happening, see Arb ladder, put 2 & 2 together.Clients brain: Ladder at my kitchen window. Obviously burglars trying to break in. Neighbours. Yeah call the police. I am calling the police. Take the burglar ladder inside so they can't do burglary stuff. Client steals my ladder & stores it inside his house. Locks house. Bwahah yer fooked now. Me messaging a few hours later. Hi, you may have noticed I've made a start on reducing your trees & reshaping them. Left my Arb ladder at the back of your house, feel free to lay it flat..draws less attention to potential burglars that way. Umm, about that... 🤣😆
Man down but all sorted. Double bonus it got rid of the gin sweats. 😁 Highland council boil my piss. Told them 2 years back these will come down because they are on a shingle levee & top heavy...Imagine if this came down at playtime in the primary school....
I hear ye man, been there 😆. Was trying to make a comprehensive post [with photies] for a pal selling his well maintained Sthil saws. Has developed life changing CTS & wants a decent price, & he's a top lad & honest as. I'll vouch for him personally. We are all straight up boys & girls here so thought it a good start point. Just being the mediator & connecting it all. He was on here years back, massively skilled carver username 'Fieldarcher', Ms 362 c ( low hours , still original 18” bar 2014) Ms211/c Easy start ( very low hours . Original 16” Bar 2017 ) Ms150 c ( original 10” bar 2015) this is a very small pruning saw . Used for small detailing work .
The fuff has the 'for sale' section/thread gone? Bare in mind I'm 5 Gins in
Zippy wind fracture callout for Sunday. Freebie for the local primary school couple of streets away. Had some nasty tension load on it but even managed to save the bird box. 10 minute job to make safe for Monday. Ye don't want an 8 year old pulling on something & the whole stem unloading. Back to my stinking Sunday hangover. 😊
@Khriss Orchard itself is 260 year old. Historically logged. Ye see that tag around the Apple in the top photo if ye enlarge it. It has an planting marker - 1885.
'Conservation groups' recent attempt at pollarding & reduction on a 130 year old Apple. Didn't even call in an arborist for consultation or guidance. I would have helped & guided them for free. F*cking disgraceful....I don't care how 'well meaning' they were... 🤬
Lick of paint...gorilla glue...rock n' roll
Epic crash though....havnt seen something cut in half like that since they released the 3120. Here's to safety & PPE girls & boys.
I believe so Stubby. Going from the FB post they got through forcing a steel panel..Hard enough for small business these days without these scrotes sneaking about in the dark.?
I've sheen what ye shed...yesh x
Lazy fecks...trees need attention no matter the day.... I go 24/7, sometimes on blue light runs wit the cops if needed. Wolf comes with me, rain, dark, gale....don't give a f*ck. 1pm...3am. Somebody flies that corner into 4000kg of wood, there's only gonnae be one winner. I'd take ye on, put ye through tickets, but I'm on the wrong end of the wrong island. Somebody will though, just hunt them down, annoy them. Lots of genuinely top lads & girls on here that would help ?
Don't get me wrong here, not saying thats amature cut in any sense, but if I had a pound for every shite pruning or reduction job I've come across by homeowners & wannabe arborists, where they think they are doing the tree a favour, lets just say I wouldn't need to work any more.
It's no like Dildobaggins gets to use it much anyway, like Dempsey....that's me banned ?
The groundie is quite gnarly though, picked the splitter up in his forearms & walked it onto the Ifor. Cleans his teeth with my chain grinder. [I'm dead if he sees this ?]
Aye, cracking bit of kit. Sits on the Ifor trailer happily, gets through garden gates easily. Went for the Briggs/S engine becuase I'm not into using clients resources & plus you are fully free wherever, whenever, as with the chipper, saws etc. Thing did 9 hours flat with my groundie the other day, on one tank of unleaded & still had a slop in there. We were running some over sized blocks through it as well...well beyond the guide bars, sailed through it. Gonna look into the single lever mod as well. Seen some very cool retro engineering on these somewhere... ?
On the home straight for the client. Happily knee deep in it. Took the wee Venom C 15t ton from Rock for the groundie...never missed a beat.
Big multiple tree job complete. And what do you do with a large pine crowding out other trees? humboldt fell it at chest height perpendicular to its lean, without destroying the classic Rover P6, log & clear the trunk, then repurpose the high stump into an arty bird table with spiral polecat steps. Yas, got my calling card in.