The K760 is very bullet proof so there has to be some fairly obvious wrong with it, so to start, look at where the alloy inlet manifold connects to the back of the cylinder, it hooks under a plate on the back of the cylinder, there should be no gaps here it should fit and seal firmly on the cylinder, next make sure the impulse hose is connected, next have you fitted a genuine metering diaphragm? the after market ones do not have the additional hole to feed the compensator, next the rubber gasket between carb and air filter box, is it in good condition and aligned correctly? next did you fit the piston the right way round? this is very important as this saw has a ex torque cylinder, next if this is an after market cylinder make sure you have the correct inlet manifold because the cylinder ports were widened on the latter cylinder, carb settings are L 11/4 H1 3/4