Hi, 1st post here and I hope I don't get off on the wrong foot!
I've read through many posts and the sections but I'm not really sure if this fits into business management, employment, forest management or general so here seems best.
I have a background in forestry, starting after leaving school volunteering, gaining nvq's in trees and timber, land based operations and environmental conservation.
I've worked for the last 5 years in the public sector and quite frankly don't want to be there (but thats a wholllleeeeeee other topic!).
I am pretty well trained specifically in forestry, have lots of cutting experience and a wide range of other related forestry/ conservation tasks.
As I'm sure everyone has I've often thought about working for myself but the climbing market is close to saturation in the area I'm looking and I don't really have the cash/ people to set up anything worthwhile in forestry.
I have a reasonable amount of capital but I do not feel I could start up and employ staff on what I have available.
A big problem is I currently live around 400 miles away from the area I intend to work (South Yorkshire/ North Derbyshire) and have a family to support.
This obviously is a big factor.
This leads me to 2 options I would appreciate feedback on.
1- Forest/ gardens
Apply for tenders primarily work for a cutter where the harvester can't get.
Most if not all felling sites will have edge trees that are too big, double leaders and windblow.
Where these contracts were available seek a freelance cutter to work alongside, therefore solving the problem of employing someone and giving me the required safety cover.
In off times work alone basically odd jobbing, fencing, walling, planting, grass cutting, hedges etc.
Are there freelance cutters that would be interested in such work with the added possibility of the above jobs if they arose?
Is it a viable approach?
2- Cherry Picker
I've looked extensively into this and very few people offer cutting with and ariel access/ mewp "full time".
I could buy a platform with the cash I have available and theoretically work alone.
I appreciate it is no subsitute for a climber in some situations but in others could be much faster and the angle I would approach more would be safer.
In the current climate of risk assessment etc. it seems this could be a sway towards using platforms (yes I know they have their own seperate risks and I don't intend to start that debate).
I know this maybe isn't the place to gain support in this but climbing isn't always an option and not always the most commercially sensible way of cutting.
I wouldn't intend to "muscle in" on all the climbing in the area.
I'd plan to keep it as myself maybe 1 other taking suitable work.
Obviously costs would be higher doing this which would I guess keep the balance between working a platform and climbers fair/ even.
Very few people seem to specialise here and to me as a relative outsider it seems like a huge gap in the market, quite easily filled?
Any feedback from people in the area or with experience/ general input will be appreciated.
Alos expressions of interest or suggestions are welcome if anyone has any!