The college are not easy to get answers off. I have bloke come out supposedly every 3 months to check how things are going on. Hes a pen pusher, knows nothing about the industry and deals with lots of students on different courses so dosent really have any answers, although i think his intentions are good. Im only at the college very occasionally especially since i finished the first half of the course. I am constantly pestering various people at the college just trying to work out what is actually going on. To be honest im unsure as to whether they know any more than me with regards to when the course ends. The last answer I got was "one day you could just find out you've finished" This is not surprising from the college - I first asked them to book me on a RTT loader course over a year ago. Do I have the ticket yet? No.
I started my job 3 months late because my predeccesor dropped out a few months early, with very little notice, and it took some time for them to find me to replace him. They plan on taking on the new apprentice at the time of year which coincides with the course starting (I also started my course late) so that they are back in sync with the college. This will therefore be before my 2 years are up, but probably after I have completed the course.
I know that the sole reason they take on apprentices is for cheap labour. While I have learned alot whilst working here there has definately been no focus on training me. It seems the attitude is if they can do it quicker themselves then they will do it themselves. For example I didnt learn to back up a trailer with any real accuracy until 6 months into my course. I got the hang of it when both of the other workers were ill and I was on my own for a week or so. Coincidence? I think not. As far as compensating for the wage with rent goes, thats a good idea, and I will suggest it if needs be, although ideally I would like to be looking for a job in the spring, when people are more likely to be looking to take someone on.