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Jack-Arb aka Tiago Sinclair-Julio.

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Everything posted by Jack-Arb aka Tiago Sinclair-Julio.

  1. [quote=Jack-Arb aka Tiago Sinclair-Julio
  2. Hi logman, No energy used? How do you do that in such short space of time with no power? Is it just wind going the tunnels? Tiago
  3. Hey Arob, Absolutely right - Good point! Good night Tiago
  4. It made me a bit sad watching it, those few hundred years old trees beeing felled doesn't do it for me. It didnt even look like a plantation to me, more like a natural mountain forest hope im wrong dough... Tiago
  5. Hello Dagmar, Yes I do agree with you and that info you found in the net about these new schemes to reduce peoples carbon foot print. A lot of those programes are not affective and dont even work, what they really do is nothing to do with protecting the enviroment but play with people's conscience. So for example the flying issue, instead of making people fly less what they do is send a message of, if you fly remember your carbon foot print, so if you paying this little tax we'll plant a few trees to offset your foot print. Then as you rightly pointed out most of these schemes have little research done and later found that they have little positive affect or even negative consequences. So people are not flying less and there conscience is ok with it because they feel they've done the right thing by paying for a scheme like this. I know little about carbon and its affects on climate but I expect theres lots of organisations out there that are cashing in on the fact that carbon is this monster we make out. Now the world is changing along with its climate, we should not ignore facts like the quantities of poluted rivers, dipleted seas, the rate of deforestation in some places in the world. So lets not make the mistake or confuse the causes of climate change and the actions to tackle it, whether we are directly responsible and or is carbon so bad we all need to do alot more for our planet! My view is that carbon is not what some try to make out to be and that theres no link between carbon and climate. But lots of the measures goverments and organisations are trying to implement are a good thing regardless of climate. Dagmar to call Gore's film fantasy's I think it's a little harsh! I cant remember if I've seen it or not but Im aware of its content and Im sure theres real worrying stuff that one would hope indeed to be fiction. Interesting article on this subject. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2007/03/01/do0102.xml Tiago
  6. Hi dave, The sheets were from thick plastic, you know those big bags of composts or any thing that comes in those 15 or 20kg bags, that sort of plastic. And no holes, it looked like when a dog is operated and then they put those things around its neck so they cant lick the wound. I think its a pointless exercise mainly for asthetic purpose's... Jack
  7. Hi guys, About the clients loving the painted prunning wounds, reminded me of a similar thing I came across in Portugal. I saw these guys prunning (pollarding) these olive trees, and in some finished trees, but not in all they had tied these plastic sheets around some of the shoots left has growth points. Completly at random some trees with 3 or 4 of these plastic things or only one. I had to ask what was that about, they said - its to protect the buds from any frost during the night. So I said - do you have to do them all? They just nodded and the feelling I got was that who ever was paying for the work would surelly appreciate seeing the extent they'd gone to protected he's trees. And it even looks quite professional one could argue I think! But whether it really makes a difference, I dont think so... Jack
  8. [quote name=skyhuck; Even if we had records going back 20 or 30 thousand years we would not really know if it was a change' date=' the weather may be on a 1 or 2 million year cycle for all we know.[/quote] Hello Skyhuck, Yes you are right records are in there early years not really enough for the big picture, at least they've started. It's fun to hear things like - 'since records began this last April has been the hottest ever'. I enjoy this type of facts because it makes me realise that theres people recording these things... I dont think that the climate is on a cycle, long or short! Like you say... Because things like volcanos cant be predicted and have a big influence on the climate... Tiago
  9. Hi Steve, I first heard of arbtalk through my boss! Its interesting because I quite often look at Arb related sites and never came across this site by accident. So after he told us about the Arb forum I checked it out and after a while I registered. My opinion about the site is that can be a good place to meet fellow arborist, debate, learn, exchange opinions, be on top of the latest news/info etc... But it can be very addictive, one can spend far to many hours on it, and if you're ID is known to people that actually know you, views or opinion can be misinterpreted causing akward situations that otherwise wouldn't happen. Weighing the negs and positives I think its defenatly a good place to use if you have an interest in arb. Jack
  10. Hi Glen, I've been there, its a beautiful place at the bottom of a huge valey, they have a couple of stone built buildings with a workshop a little class room and a office. Its a little set up cleverly put together. I did a three day course on felling trees with a few other guys. The place is extremelly beautifull, big mountains and lakes all around that area, theres some breath taking views to be enjoyed there. The little village Beddgelert is very nice with a couple of pubs where one can eat a good meal and the B&B's where you probably gonna stay are very nice too, theres a little river going through the town and one can listen the sound of the water from the b&b bedroom, very relaxing... Treevolution are a very professional and all the courses are well organised and the teaching is done in a modern way, something I've never experienced in other arb related courses, normally its some type of bloke with very outdated teaching techniques that makes everyone very nervous. They make everyone confortable as possible and give you as much time as you need and explain things and methods until you are happy with it. In my view the courses are worth the price plus the amazing location makes it a kind of a mini educational holiday trip. Theres these walks that start at one side of the village up the mountain around the lake and back to the village again, into the pub for a great meal.... You'll enjoy! Jack
  11. Hi Mani, Nice to hear that you want to learn how to do your own tomato sauce, its the essencial basic component for a huge variety of dish's. And theres no right way to make it, depending for what its gonna be used in little changes can be made to it... The more often you do it, more you'll understand what to do until its just right the way you like it... A basic tomato pasta sauce, the way I do it: Fry small chopped onion in olive oil until nice and golden, had the tomatoes ( this is the most important part) 5 very ripe plum tomatoes, they are the best for the sauce but a can like on the picture above will do just a good! Once mixed together with the onion on a low heat let it cook had salt and pepper. Get some garlic chopped into little chunks, do not had until the last 2 or 3 minutes before you turn the heat off. The reason why I do this is cause otherwise the garlic will be over cooked with no taste at all. The sauce should be stirred occasionally, had more oil if it looks like it could do with more. On a low heat a can of tomatoes I would cook it for around 20/30 min, when the sauce looks like its reduce down but not completly thick and a nice layer of oil covering the surface of the sauce you then can had the garlic and let it cook for 3/4 min and its ready! Theres lot of nice things you can had and make it more interesting, nuts herbs etc... And if left for the next day its even more yummy!!! The quality of the tomatoes is really important because if you use crappy greenish ones you'l never get a rich delicious sauce, its hard to find fresh tomatoes for cooking and thats why I most times use cans they are just a good... Try it man, in no time you'll make much better sauces than any ready made ones.. Ciao Jack
  12. Hi Tom, I think that this Japanese chap hit the nail exactly where it hurts! Just to add one more thing about on which side they want us to be or believe. Theres been huge amounts of money put into research on climate, so theres lots of work available to lots of scientist and people alike. Not totally bad or wrong but money is cut from other sectors, goverments dont just create huge funds. I heard if someone wants to research on a particular subject, for example something like - how are common ants populations doing in the south west, that its difficult to get funding but if you mention, common ants populations and the affect of global warming in the south west, you're much more likelly to get funding.... jack
  13. Hi monkeyd, Im impressed with the quality of the pictures! Surelly its not that crappy little thing, that I tried to use for the moths. Nothing near as good as those! Jack
  14. Hello Yes I thing it worked out really nicelly, curious to see what its going to do in the next few years! Its got plenty of light so I think its going to put lots of growth and in 3 years time its back to its former glory, hopefully! Or a little spore in the air will find its way on to one of those rips and take advantage now the tree is weak and stressed out. Lets wait a see! Jack
  15. Hi guys, I have experience on the road both in Portugal and here in the UK. What I have to say is that between both countries theres so many differences. When I first started driving here one of the first things I noticed was how friendly drivers are here, always letting you out of a junctions and those sort of things! Driving wise people here are so much more carefull, down a main road its rare seeing crazy overtakings and dangerous manouvers. In Portugal they drive so badly, its common to see crazy overtakings, there are so many accidents on the roads, most people have lost friends or family in car crash's. I cant really remember any figures but I wouldn't be suprized if we were the worst drivers in Europe. Unfortunatly its changing here, people are so impatient always in a rush it seems. Jack
  16. Hi Skyhuck, Actually I do read your posts, brain washed by the media?! Whats the big deal about using offsetting to describe what I understood you meant in the post! Your statement says: if you cut down a tree and burn it and then grow a new tree you have produced no carbon! Offsetting explains what you say about burning one and then grow a new to counterbalance, compensate. A bit like in the plane nowdays, depending on how many miles one flyes one pays a little tax to plant some trees. If this is not what you meant, I've missed the point. And im not quite sure if its really No carbon.... Jack Jack
  17. Hi skyhuck, Im glad to know that! Because I was reading trough them and not being able to follow. Yes I do read books but what does that have to do with this I dont know?! What do you mean by real data, does it have to be an article from a news paper or magazine? Its just someone else's views isn't it? In fact you probably were the one not understanding what my view is, because I do agree with her about people believing whatever theories come out, just the thing I thought was a bit over the top was the thing about all greens are crazy! However she has a opinion about this subject, not quite clear about yours apart from burning trees and offsetting it with new plantations! I wish it was as simple as that. What I really think is interesting is what individuals think about this subject and why or what makes them believe who is responsible. And what kind of things can one do about it. Because I really believe that all this talk about climate change and global warming is no longer a theory but a fact created by few organisations that Dagmar wrote about. And its quite bizarre that a theory becomes a fact in a few years just because a few scientist say it. Thats my worrie, with no real evidence its believed over the world that man is responsible. Still Im a firm believer that we are responsible for the poor state of the planet and for this theres lots of evidence! Jack
  18. Hello Dagmar, The size of each of your post's makes them difficult and uninteresting to read, and because they are written quite in depth on a complex subject most people find it hard to follow. Is it your words or is it someone else's word's maybe if you would put it in a shorter version with your own views with your words it would be more interesting for others. Dont intend to offend you, Im just affraid people will be put off from writting there views if there are posts that most people heard little about them. bye tiago
  19. Hi Dagmar, I do agree with you when you say that lots natural events are blamed on humans and global warming cuased by us. But to say the greens are going crazy I think its not fare. Whats crazy about makeing people aware that oil is running out and that we should try and become less dependent on it. Waste less etc.... Do you realise that cheap oil era is over, oil production as peaked we've reached the top of the mountain now it can be a slow decrease down or a sudden drop... Why would the Canadians want to start extracting hard to refine oil mixed with sand. If they could buy it on the cheap from the middle east... Britain already imports more than it produces from the northsea and by 2020 theres none left in the northsea... And to think that theres areas bigger than the northsea left to be discovered its madness cause we have such advance methods of finding oil. All the oil that took millions of years to make we've used in less than 2 centuries, that what we need realise or we find a replacement or its going back 200years to the good old days before oil. good night
  20. Hi skyhuck, You should see her sneading trees faster than you average groundie, no chainsaw trousers either, she so confident that her motto is, you only need chainsaw trousers if you are a begginner and have few hours of saw use. She's got a point dough... She's lovelly she really is, nothing puts her off giving a hand and she is the boss absolutly in control. I feel honoured to live with her in her last stage of life... Jack
  21. Hi guys, So the people that think, mankind is responsible for global warming, what are the things that make you believe we are responsible? And what things could be done to reverse it in your minds, if at all possible? The way I see things is that we humans the superior race that supposedly are the most inteligent species on this planet, cant even be fair between eachother, while one half starve to death the other half live unsustainlly life style's. The world is over populated, there never was so many people living on earth as there is today. We consume at a rate that one doesn't need a expert telling you that it cant go on for ever. We use non renuable resourses and have become dependent on them and use them like they are never gonna run out. With the technology we have these days and expertise we could do so much better and before climate changes into severe devastating senarios, we will have done already so much damage to earths surface and oceans that climate is gonna be the thing to finish us up along with lots of other animals and plants. The animals that survive will live so much better without us around! It really depresses me thinking about the state of the planet, I feel useless it seems that theres nothing I can do to change things. It crosse's my mind sometimes the best thing I could do would be, give up everything one is thought to persue in society, forget working or having a career to pay the home the bills and all the other clutter we buy to make us happy. Give up everything and go into nature live in a remote mountain somewhere far from modern civilisation, grow your food build you house live in small comunities. Teach children how to be as auto suficient as possible, teach them how to work the land use and respect nature. It really worries me the seriousness of the state of our fragile home, cant explain but I feel guilty in some sort of way about things , I was lucky to be born in the half that is alright and as access to must things with very little effort. But this lack of effort to have things is what makes us treat and abuse planet. I could easily go on and on but its later than I though and have to work tomorrow. Jack
  22. Ola tudo bom! Em que parte 'e que vives? Eu sou meio Portugues/ Ingles. How hard is the language, can you speak and read already? The pic you posted looks like its forestry operation than amenity work, is that right? Im quite suprised that theres arb work in brazil apart from forestry of course, for example in Portugal its a very small industry even dough theres lots of trees. What type of trees are those in the fotos, and what is the wood for? Take care and hope to hear frolm you soon. Bye Tiago
  23. Hi skyhuck, Im affraid that its not neutral at all, ok fossil fuels take millions of years to make but the carbon they release is a bi-product from the proccess of burning, so its as old as the day its burnt. But its not even proof that carbon monoxide is the cause of global warming. Carbon in the atmosphere is one of many gases in the misture of all the gases, and it exists in small quantities its even measured like 1partical of carbon to a thousand of someother more abundant gas. From what I've read theres no proof in that carbon is the thing responsible for global warming, what about the sun isn't it much more likelly to have a more direct impact on the earth's temperature? It could be that the sun for some reason is hotter than before! Its only a thought... good night tiago
  24. Tom, My impression is that day is going to be a bit earlier than what you suggest, because its not going to stay at the current rate. Surelly it will grow faster and faster with China and India getting richer by the day.... I think maximum 200 years if they dont find more or maybe even less, possibly still in our life time. T
  25. Hi guys, Im not sure if I made it clear that its 2 votes per person - the climate one & the neg or pos affect the second one! I just saw that some people only had voted on the climate issue, so I thought I'd not made it clear enough... Interesting so far the way its going, I wonder how its gonna look like tomorrow evening! Good night all, Tiago


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