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Becoming an assessor?

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Ey up all.

Recently i've taken a bit of a change and gone self employed,got fed up of busting my balls for someone else all the time,getting crap from above, below and sometimes the side too it seemed.

Works seeming to be coming in fairly regularly for me as a climber, but i'm wanting to head a bit more towards teaching the climbing side, chainsaw from rope and harness, airel rescue to start with,maybe do more units as time goes on.

Just wondering if any of you folks with a bit more knowledge in this area could point me towards a trainer, give me a idea of where to start?

Looked around on the big G for training providers but it's too much orientated towards CS units rather than asssessors.

A lot of the lads i've shown the ropes too(no pun intended) have said i really should go the teaching route.

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If you want to become an assessor then contact NPTC to discuss it with them NPTC | Home or if its the training your looking to do you can follow the Lantra link and look at how to become and instructor off the tab Lantra Awards UK - Environmental & Land Based Vocational Training Courses . To become an instructor will cost a fair bit of time and money but if you've got the feeling for it then have a look. There are a few instructors and assessors on here (arbocop) is one who will give you so good advice im sure.

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what ohh pudding


Husky has covered some inportant bits and ill try and give you some guidance in a balanced way.


first off if its avoiding the S**t then be warned in ether role you will get your fair share of it from above below and the side, bust , as said already you find your self pulled that way then the pull wont go away.


Assessing NPTC


right now you will have some difficulty there is a freez on new assessors for cs. but what you need to do is find an assessment center who will need to sponcer you, that means they have a need for you, not that they will help pay, if the center has a need and nptc agree the place then thats your first step.


you will then have to go through variouse tech evaluations i think they still require you to do ground units before area but there is talk that you may be able to do arial only.


this is the bit were a lot of people stall, and also loose momentum, its notthat they cant climb, its moor they are dateed in there knowlege and restricted in the knowlege abd skills too, very few people get through this 1st time (took me a cpl of goes ) and you have to get through all required units ie for ground you must hold first and then be tec evaled in 30, 31, 32


areal i think u can do 38 only but used to be 38 and 39 and you must hold these and also a college of mine recently7 was refused tech evel as he had no proof of update training so the ywould not even book him in.


al lthis sounds a bit anal espesially when you think that it is a level 2 qual ie a bas ic minimum standard, but you must be able to produce skills and knowlege upon demand in a polished performance.


now on average to get through that little lot takes about 18 months by the time yoiu have updated, practised, found a center been sponcered got the money together for a TE and your talking a big chunk submitted your aplication been accepted for a TE booked it, and passed ...........


now when all thats done you need to attend a 2-5 day cource in assemnts skills etc (and this is likly to change soon ) and now proberbly have to take S4L SSC A units (basically moor mony cos the government say you must) and when all that is doene you must be evealuted within your first 10 assessmnts


and at any stage ofthat process you can fall by the way side. then you need to keep skills up to date have a cpd record be vevalutyed every 2 years.


so its long it hard its really quite demorolising if you fail your tech evaluation but if you get through it all you rightly have a sence of achivment, the trick then is to stop your self getting your own head up ya arse and remember thatwile it was hard getting there it makes you nether invincible or all knowing....


for the training under the lantra schem copy the above but add in now needing to get a full teaching qual (what is know as pettels) and its pretty much the same


so my council


1 look at what tickets you have you must hold what you wish to train


2 if you are missing any or it has been moor than 5 years since you had an update attend a lantra regestered update


3 find a tame local trainer and ask if you can sit in and observe see what you think.


4 remember it may not be a s phisically demanding as humping stuff all day but it is mentally demanding and you are soley responcible for the people in your chat=rge and your actions thats a big responcibility


follow this link for lantra


FAQ - How Do I become an Instructor


for nptc give them a call and ask for ruth carter


hope all that helps




good luck



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Well thanks fella's, thats some very helpfull, if not very costly looking, information.

You've given me a loads of food for thought here.From what i understand this role is'nt likely to keep me working solid 5 days a week and will have me traveling all over the country.It's a lot of money and time to invest isn't it?

Thanks for the links anyway, i'll go look and see what i can find nearby, maybe do a bit of shadowing like you suggest, sounds the best way to find out a bit more about the job.

All of your help was much appreciated.

Thanks chaps.

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