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Everything posted by CambridgeJC
Thanks John. You should replace the current administrators. Perhaps the site administrators and moderators could use this thread as a lesson on the sort of behaviour that brings shame on all involved…the disrespectful contributor, their general support contributors, the administration, and finally the entire forum. There as real danger to outside visitors not used to such behaviour and if allowed to continue and escalate can be potentially very dangerous. I have finally decided to disengage from this entire arborist community despite the friendly and respectful posts from the more mature contributors for whose help I have to thank. I have learned a lot about ivy in the last week or so, but a lot more about your forum community and in particular the administration. Failure to enforce their own forum guidelines and even tempted to join in in a backhanded way! Not a pleasant experience and I hope someone learns from this as much as I have. Enjoy and thanks to John.
Thanks. But check out the full trail of Getting rid of ivy!! The bad posts start on p7 and develop intensity from there on. When you are in receipt of such posts then it becomes a distraction and you become defensive and ultimately reactive. It is the sort of behaviour that good social media promote guidelines to prevent as not all contributors can take such behaviour. It amounts to bullying and is considered inappropriate. I abhor a bully. So I call them out. Most do not intend to be so and apologise. But a intentional bully will never apologise. He or she will continue to offend deliberately. That’s what they do. But that’s enough of that. I consider ivy is gaining ground in the UK in my region at least so I am enquiring about other regions in this forum. It is an open ended enquiry and not one to close off just because you or I hold any strong opinion. Or anyone else for that matter.
Fine. But a few of the guys have said it is an issue. So there’s a good reason to expand in both directions. No? A bit like ivy!!!
If you were asked if ivy in the UK is being allowed to proliferate both upwards and outwards in an invasive style of growth habit …what would be your considered opinion? An open question…
Thanks Conor. Interesting you pick me up on language. I am down to earth myself and not used to having such claims levelled against me. Very strange. Something about the written word I guess. I do certainly not talk down to hardworking guys. I am or was one myself in my own way. Retired now but running on all four cylinders hopefully. I choose to involve myself in various topics of interest. Ivy encroachment has become one. You should understand that lots of our teaching vhas proved to be different from reality in many areas. So we must all question what we are taught. Age gives you this valuable asset. I was a bit of a rebel in my youth. I retained this during working life and set uo my own company to bring new technologies to market in purification of bioproducts proteins and finally viruses etc. That’s my background but I enjoy photography and love nature in general. Tell me about yourself. We all have a story to tell. And interests to share. Please share your experience with us here. It will help us to understand each orher and hopefully respect our input on the common issue of ivy in our countryside. Cheers. John
People like me eh? What would they be like then?
I’d have a job with that😂😂😂 This seems countrywide but certainly all over East Anglia. Old Mill Tree Care’s description is spot on. We both see rampant ivy clogging up hedgerows and increasingly thicker at height in the canopy. I don’t know if it can be controlled. But it certainly cannot be if is not taken seriously. Ivy certainly grows unchecked in large swathes of our countryside and probably due to modern farming practices and land ownership/management. That’s the reason for my intervention here. Just hoping for your thoughts as if my concerns are real then some big thinking is required. If you think I am wrong then I hope the situation doesn’t escalate. I am open to persuasion.
What makes you think I have jumped to a conclusion? I am simply asking if anyone else has noticed a slow steady increase in ivy which could amount to us allowing it to become a problem for trees and hedgerows. There are certainly some other people here who appear to support the hypothesis. I have a lifetime of scientific method behind me and do not jump to conclusions. That’s why I am persisting in the quest for educated input from you guys. Firstly I asked for information which I needed to minimise risk of saying anything stupid. Then I felt able to ask for feedback and observations. This is still in progress and on advice I initiated a poll which may be helpful. But I have certainly not come to any conclusion. And to date noone has commented on my suggestion that a native species like ivy can or cannot become invasive in a growth expansion context.
Good summary but with the proviso that the current levels of observable ivy may indicate a slow and more uncontrolled expansion which can in future cause a major headache for us all if allowed to go unchecked. That’s the reason I am engaging with you arborists. Some of you, notably Old Mill Tree Care’s observations in Norfolk seem to indicate such a possibility. I do not dismiss those whose experience say there is no problem. On the other hand there are those who are very dismissive of my contention. The discussion merits proper and mature engagement from both perspectives. It is not really a case conclusion situation quite yet in my opinion. Thanks for your helpful summary.
Ha ha. Missed that one. At college in the 70’s we referred to our cars as cans. It was a far better description.
Thanks. No problem but just think how it could feel to be on the receiving end of an outright insult or disrespect. Banter is fine but not when it’s aggressive. The word crank came up but has been deleted. It should never have been said. The world turns on cranks. You’d get nowhere in your can without one🤣🤣
Thanks Stubby. You’re right. I have been sidetracked by the number of dismissive and disrespectful attempts by others to try to humiliate and provoke me as an outsider from your community. Your comments are fully accepted by me as indeed those of the previous post by Old Mill Tree Care. These posts represent a reasonable and perfectly acceptable post ehich sticks to the point and is both courteous and informative. It is sad when others hijack a thread to insult and belittle others. So thanks to you. John
Sasly no. You managed to push it off course by your personal remarks and attempts to belittle your target who you consider an outsider who you assume has no knowledge and who you believe does not have the right to observe something you clearly have never considered seriously before and which you enjoy bating. Your behaviour breaches basic rules of good respectful behaviour and the administration seems unwilling to review the evolution of the threads in which you clearly enjoy provocative personal remarks designed to belittle and raise a laugh with your colleague arborists. I am no different from many other contributors who prefer to protect themselves from more sinister personal abuse from people like you by maintaining a posting name only. Soon I will provide a bit more to show I am not a total dumbo as you would have me seem. Have a good laugh now. John.
Your final sentence includes a highly provocative suggestion that directly goes against your own posting guidelines. Designed to belittle me and suggest that my own posts are designed to belittle others. Please explain why you decided to send that parting shot because this is not the measured reply of a fair and impartial administrator or moderator. Please read paragraph 4 especially of those guidelines. You seem happy enough to allow someone to call me unhinged in this public forum which I found abusive. Maybe this is because I am a new visitor here from outside your arborist community? You may need to follow the posting trail to discover action and reaction. I came here in good faith but have not enjoyed the behaviour of some contributors. Sorry to say this. John
Bioscience. Why do you ask? Is this the beginning of a mature discussion on ivy? Or a continuation of the anti-scientist dismissal of someone who is not an arborist. Someone who explicitly stated this in his original quest for help for facts and opinions from arborists? Someone who has gained a great deal of information since making contact with this forum. I look forward to a friendly discussion with knowledgeable people who accept people with different views and perspectives. We are all never too old to learn. None of us know everything even after 30 years or more in any discipline. Friend or foe?
So that’s two of you now…any more who enjoy taking a poke at others in this forum? Mick???
Does it make you feel good to insult another person like this?
Does it make you feel good to post an image loke this?
Thanks. But arborists in general seem not to care. So I am moving away from this forum. Its full of people who take pleasure in ridiculing victims and enjoying provoking targets. I’m off and have to leave the good guys to pick up the pieces. Trolls and narcissists. They will eventually destroy your platform. Bye…🤣🤣🤣
Thanks. But I’m off. Keep the ball rolling. Good luck
So much for arborists…wasting my time trying to get a mature discussion going…bye…
You are buddy.
“ A troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception.” Like.. designed to upset the recipient and even calling him unhinged perhaps. Maybe designed to humiliate or diminishing the recipients self esteem. You my friend are behaving like a troll. Maybe you are now being called out I invite anyone to review your miserably disparaging and ignorant comments designed to raise a laugh at my expense. Over my head it goes again but maybe an administrator would care to check your contributions out. Have a nice day 🤣🤣🤣