One more and I’ll leave you in peace 😁
Just the two specimens found, near the ‘Devil’s Chymney’, Cheltenham.
The size and cap colour narrow the possibilities down to a very small handful - the ‘large blue’ faction of the grassland ‘Pinkgills’ (Entoloma).
All are scarce and the guides usually caution that they can be difficult to separate in the field. However, I’ve seen the very blue-blue toned E. bloxamii a few times. It was first positively identified to me by a very experienced expert on a Fungus Group foray.
Meanwhile, E. madidum typically looks more of a pale, royal blue in the photos and I’ve been lead to believe this is distinguishing (once you’ve ‘got your eye in’).
This stunner though, was an incredible BLACK-blue - and what a contrast that makes to those bright, rosey-pink gills below eh?
The much darker tone, MIGHT then, mean Entoloma atromadidum is the best fit.
Beauty, whatever!