I have a 2002 MS250 that's probably done 20 hours from new. It lived in my Mums garage for years getting dusty.
I've used it on several occasions now and it's been solid, apart from sometimes stalling when cold at idle.
I was using it on Wednesday and after 10-15 mins it started cutting out and stalling at high revs, after a few more minutes it wouldn't start at all.
After successfully changing the membranes on a 200T carb, I decided to get a carb kit and set to it. While taking it apart the following day, I went to take the plug out (to replace it) only to discover it was very loose. As I already had the carb off I thought it would still benefit from a service, so I took it to my local garage to borrow an airline to blow it out on the way GHS to get the new plug and carb kit. I also took the opportunity to give the saw a good blow out.
Once home, I changed the membranes and put the saw back together.
Now it won't run properly.
1 pull on full choke - will give the normal fire and die.
3 pulls on half choke - fires, revs up to about 75% then stalls.
10K+ pulls on no choke occasionally produces a stutter, lots swearing and a very sore arm!
Other info;
It slowly leaks fuel, 1/2 a tank over 3 days, but I can't see where from. (I think it must be ninja fuel)
The fuel line is a bit cracked but doesn't appear to be breached.
The fuel is actually fresh, with precisely mixed Stihl 2 stroke oil.
Since the amazing service I gave it, it has reved up fully and it ran well for around 90 seconds ish.
I did put a new, correct plug in it.
The carb was still at factory settings, I measured screwing them in 1 full turn each, then tried them screwed out 3/4 turn each but same symptoms. They are now back at 1 full out.
The idle screw has been tried in numerous positions, but I think it about where it should be now.
I took off some plastic and rubber parts and soaked them in washing up liquid. I cleaned and dried them thoroughly. Whilst starting this thread I had a brainwave, perhaps the breather pipe and/or valve was blocked with water and was creating a vacuum in the tank? So I went outside and pulled it off the tank. My arm is sore again, and the symptoms are consistent with yesterdays.
I'm sure if I'd just replaced or even just tightened up the plug it would be running fine now.
Anyone seen anything like this before? Or have any bright ideas?
Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.