I was in hospital when I was told another tree surgeon had been involved in an accident, I'm guessing that was you. Thought I'd log into arbtalk this morning and come across this post.
Rewind, on the 17th March I too tried, unsuccessfully, to fly from a beech tree (are these species out to get us?).
It's very humbling to read your posts and feel I can reflect a little on what your saying regarding your time in hospital but yours is certainly 10 times worse, my injuries, broken back in four places t2,t3,t4,t5, broken scapula, broken and dislocated wrist which in turn crushed a nerve and has left me with no feeling in my hand, punctured lungs, heamatoma next to my heart and lacerations to my kidney and spleen. I suppose the biggest difference being your paralysis from the waist down and the fact somehow I can still walk, I'm genuinely so sorry to hear that and hope in the future the feeling returns. I had a few operations but managed to get discharged after 11 days, can't imagine what staying in any longer would be like. I too am leading in the fashion department with my custom made in the USA full back brace with extra stylish chin piece and various casts that will accompany me for 3 months.
In all honestly though your an inspiration, your positive attitude is amazing with what your currently faced with and I'm not sure I would deal with it like you are, I suppose none of us know how we would cope. Your bound to have times when you just want to cry, I did and there's certainly nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself sometimes. I hope from the bottom of my heart that your road to 'recovery' is as smooth as it possibly can be and I'll look forward to your updates. I also agree that the most important part is having a strong family around you, as its just as difficult for them.
I'm not sure how your accident came about but I'll put a quick version of events of mine up as people like to know and our industry is terrible for rumours, I also would hopefully like to play a part in stopping it happening to someone else, I was concious throughout but wish I wasn't, morphine helped and I scored a lift in the air ambulance. I was in the process of dismantling a ~100ft beech tree but fortunatley only fell from 30ft whilst still attached (with a strop,secondary anchor) to the limb I was felling, basically the limb snapped/tore and took me to the ground with it. There's been no blame laid at my door and it turns out a hairline fracture inside the limb caused it to snap after quite a few independent specialists helping with the investigation have stated. It was also all caught on video which is worth a watch but I'll keep it private for now.
So, I apologise if your not interested in my story, I wouldn't blame you as you have more important things on your mind but thought it a coincidence. I hope your having one of your better days and look forward to hearing your next milestone, I cried after feeling fresh air in my face after 11 days so can imagine you have lots of trying times ahead which will cause different emotions. Get well soon. I suppose at 28 I must of bounced a little better.