What we are searching?
Arborists climbers or platform operators ( employed or freelance)
Arborists Groundsman ( employed or freelance)
When we are searching?
Our main season is from know till end of february 2019. So when ever you can come in this time feel free to give me a msg.
A week trail is all right but from the organisation point it would be good when you can stay a month or two.
What we expect
a clean appear
a friendly open minded person willing to learn / improve
arborists who can work in a team
arborists who can see the difference between deadwood and branches that are still alive
all relevant tickets when you come as a freelance climber
a good self-assensment
safe working practice
"sorted" arborists
What we provide?
a accomodation in a holiday appartment with a single bed room.
a company car to travel to the yard when you come by plane
What are the rates day/hour?
It really depends on how good you are.
not less then back home. we like to do a week trail and after that we can tell.
Certifications saying nothing about your experience level or how good you prune/climb.
Good climbers earn more and novice climbers less and getting the chance to learn / improve. If you expect that you are earning shit loads of money and playing around all day long with for example the throwline or acent and dont finish a deadwood tree you are wrong at our place.
So please be honest to yourself and tell us before you come over a bit about you and your experience.
What about our company?
At the moment we are a seven man crew with
We are based on the west side of munich in bavaria working mainly in the west side and sometimes a bit more far away on the east side of munich
We are doning mainly govermant / commercial work like streets, parks, gravejards. less private gardens.
How long do you work day/week?
you can choose between 4 or 5 days a week. in the time between 6.30 / 7.00 am and 5.00 pm
mainly we work Monday - Thursday / Friday sometimes Saturday when needed (parking areas)
What equipment should you bring?
Minimum of rigging equipment you have to bring (when traveling by car and if you have. Otherwise we provide for you):
Lowering device
Rigging rope 60m
Pulling rope
slings and carabiniers
Rigging pully and sling for attaching on the tree
Minimum of chainsaws / chainsaw equipment (when traveling by car and if you have. Otherwise we provide for you?
"Tophandle" Chainsaw
One saw of a size like the MS 460 of Stihl
Minimum of climbing equipment you have to bring ( MUST HAVE!):
Climbing Rope minimum 45m
Access Rope 60m
a Sling (120cm)
Lenyard and Steel Lenyard
Figure of eight or other decending device
A set of throwlines (lines, cubes, bags)(2x)
Single rope access equipment when you dont footlock up the trees
Handsaw (sharp)
(when traveling by car and if you have. Otherwise we provide for you?
Last but not least
A little CV is helpfull and gives us a short picture of you.
Mails or Msg`s with just: "how are the rats" doesnt make any sense. Ask your questions but let us know what you expect / searching for aswell.
Thanks and climb safe - Wolf