White Hart Beerboys
Accepted Waste
By Prior Arrangement OnlyYes
Call for DirectionsYes
We pay youBeers, pack of 4
Our address:EX246QF, United Kingdom
Accepted Waste
Please give us a ring before You'd unload and of course, to arrange the beer for You! We are more than happy to accept any softwood or hardwood logs / thick branches what we could process to firewood for personal domestic use and to keep the pub warm for all of us benefit! As the wood would be processed elsewhere, ALL PIECES / LOGS MUST BE SIZED FOR ONE MAN CAN LIFT IT!
Please note this isn't a commercial site, the Landlord kindly let us to receive timber at the back of the car park. Please unload near to the wall (handle with care, CCTV in operation) between the caravan park entry and tram station.
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