Newbie here, first post on this site.
No matter how you frame it, fitting a water-filled boiler to a wood stove results in a chilling of the firebox and thus less than perfect combustion. On the legal side alone this is now a no-no. Practically speaking there can also be problems with sooty flues, creosote build-up and such (hence the legal issues), as well as reduced heat output from the appliance itself.
If you go to the Rayburn cooking range site (a sub-division of Aga, or was - I think there might have been some changes of ownership there too), you will notice that Rayburn no longer produce solid fuel ranges - wood or coal, whether with a boiler or not. The last new ones available were marketed in 2021 and even then, there were only a limited number of models using solid fuel and, I think, only one model that used wood fuel and had a boiler. Aga themselves ceased producing solid fuel ranges in the 1950's.
A good resource is Thornhill Cookers (Kent), a company founded by Graham Thornhill. Beautiful cooking ranges but not one has a boiler and Graham gives reasons why somewhere on the site.
The only way to go for wood heating of water for CH and DHW is a dedicated wood boiler but the system will cost you tens of thousands of ££'s. Then the labour to fit properly (plumber and sparky) will cost you a further four figure sum. Froling (Austria) seem to be the market leader.
Here's a good video from several years ago highlighting that system.