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Everything posted by Soeren
Ha, totally forgot to close this thread - actually my wife just reminded me with some fotos as I did the repair a year ago 🤣 Thanks to Ashley from GA Groundcare I did not only got hold of all required spare parts to perform the repair very quickly, but he also provided very good assistance via WA on some tricky parts of the "operation". It was a little bit over what I'd normally do in my workshop, required special tools to remove the old bearings and two new holes to be drilled to fit in a new design of the large flywheel bearing, but everything works fince since then and I'm just finishing the second winter period of forrestal work in our estate with the repaired ArbTrak 👍 Thanks for everybody helping on this issue!
Ok, so finally the assumption is something unwanted (stone, metal piece, whatsoever shitty...) got into, shaked the whole flywheel shaft so heavily that at least the front bearing broke, one knife hit the anvil, the others not however. If you are sitting in front of 2~3 meter high hills of bushes and branches, I suppose it just happened that we throw in something that shaked the whole construction so much. Either we were lucky or the Arbtrak is just so sturdy, but I can remember that we chipped 5~10 minutes after hearing that strange sound and only then turned the machine down.
Sounds great, will send you an PM 👍
Hi, looks like our last postings crossed. So here is a foto of one cutter disc. The inside disc looks normal, also the second outside disc has only very little signs of wear. Never had such huge impacts before. What do you mean by "end to end movement"? I checked up/down, very little, same as left/right. And in fact at a certain position I can hear a slight creaking. I measured also the current misalignement, the fan blades have zero to the left and 5mm to the right. So after the repair that should yield the 2.5mm on each side then again.
@monkeybusiness: Bingo, exactly as you described. The motor shaft moves slightly, maybe 1~2 mm. @Jase hutch: Would this be enough description to provide spart part numbers?
Hello, after the summer pause we just started to use our Arbtrak 190 on some groundcare in the forrect when after a half day session I noticed a strange sound coming from the motor compartment; a little bit like something would touch metal hardly from time to time. Opening the compartment and also the chipper box, I noticed three things: The two outer discs had significant defects. So I suppose somewhat like a stone got fed together with the wood and brushes. Not sure if this is related, just want to mention it. The discs had been just recently turned, so I assume it really happened in our recent works. Three wings of the 400mm fan at the flywheel had some smaller breakouts, two very little, one maybe like a one-pound coin. I also noticed they would just so touch the left (left as looking from the front part of the motor) part of the fan housing. That's the obvious reason why some little parts came off. The wings do not touch on the right side, so there is some kind of mis-alignment of the flywheel system I suppose. (foto 1 + 2) Most interesting, see foto 3: I measured the distance of the square box (not sure how this named), that holds the flywheel axle to the left and right side of the housing and it's the same here: The distance to the left is slightly smaller then to the right. Please note the foto is not perfectly made centered to the axle, so it does not look symetrically. But the difference left to right space is barely noticable with the eye, I haven't measured but I suppose its somwhere in the range of <2mm. So for me it looks like the fixing for the flywheel is slightly out of alignment. Can this really be caused by stone or something getting into the feed? The fixing looks so massive and it seems not to be moving by the 1/100 of a milimeter that I'm quite astounded on this problem. Especially the two M10 bolts to the left and right of this "holding box" look like they are super-fixed and not moving at all. Is this a common or rare problem? I suppose we need to reposition the flywheel, is this correct? We have all the tools for that but I suppose that's a delicate work anyhow, so any hints on this work would be appreciated. Thanks a lot, Soeren
Finally the parts department's shipment arrived after very short time today and I've received even a few extra screws - thanks. Next time we need to circumvent Riversa somehow 😉 Best, Soeren
Okay, thanks for looking after this even in your off-time 👍 I've just sent out the email, asked for Jack and explained shortly the whole story. Hope that helps now ,-) Best, Soeren
Hi Jase, have to say, unfortunately not (there seems to be always some penalty involved getting any kind of spare parts here in Spain). The two parts came just in a plastic bag, one was opened, so I assume some "helpfull" guy just removed that unneccessary parts... Can I come back to your offer to ship the two pins directly 😉? Thanks, Soeren
Hi Jase, one thing about the country here I don't like is that simple things can take ages for no reason....however, I just received a call that after one week they finally confirmed the part numbers are correct and placed the order. So hopefully you see the order coming in from Riversa quite soon. Thanks for adding the pins! Best, Sören
Ok, I'll order locally then. But I still need the part number for the two pins ,-) I suppose they can be ordered on their own? Thanks, Soeren
Finally found some time to unmount the assembly. I was not aware the 8 screws would hold the complete v-belt wheels, actually it's one big piece of metal. From the drawings it looked more like at least two parts, but that's okay for me. It looks doable for me to remove the threads inside or if that fails, will get 2/4 new holes prepared from our local mechanics workshop. @jase: So I would need the two pins and a set of mikipulleys. Back in 2021, when the miki's also broke, you posted a different spare numbers for them, P900990015 Clutch end rubber. P900990016 Engine end rubber. Just to verify I'll get the right parts, as you posted "TC204921/2" in your recent mail. How can I get the parts shipped to Spain, I would like to order this week? Thanks! Soeren
Good one! 👍 Thanks
Hi Jase, thanks for the quick update. I'll remove the green plate first and check if it's severly damaged or can be still used. Then I'll come through this forum to give you the order. Thanks! Soeren
I'm not sure, but AFAI remember there were two bolts on the motor side, maybe threaded, and the motor part of the clutch system just slided on the bolts. It could be the bolts were threaded into this flange (the part that is attached with 6 screws) and my photo just shows the remaining parts of the threaded bolts. Before unmounting the flange I'd like to check this is the right way to go. Thanks, Soeren
Just posting what I've got from the spare part binder, page 67. It looks like there is some kind of round plate which might hold the bolts? Although in realitity it looks slightly different: Bolts should be kind of stand out and in the spare parts binder there are 6 allen screws but I saw 2 of them and 4 hex cap screws. And the part number of this round plate is missing as well in the binder. Soeren
Hi, almost exactly two years ago I had a breakdown of the rubber clutch between the motor and the double hydraulic pump driving the chain belts. Thanks to Jase and this forum I was able to exchange it myself. The reason for the breakup I was not able to detect. With ~750 hours runtime at this point (bought the machine 2nd hand), I suppose this just can happen at a certain time. Just a few days ago, I had the same problem, the clutch "gave up" during a short chipping session. After examining everything I likely need to point to myself: During the last two years the pump mount seemed to have moved away from the motor roughly two centimeters (or an inch), likely due to vibrations, maybe just 1mm per month. And just now it moved away that much that the bolts on the motor side moved out enough just that the force was too much and virtually destroyed the motor side of the mikipulley system. Although I had pulled the holding M14's to the maximum torque, this seemed not to be enough. I did not check this part regularly, which I should have, so I can now hit myself in the *ss... Okay two pictures attached, the mikipulley just for information, I know how to replace it. However I'm a little more worried about the attachement on the motor side (see second photo): Where there are two small holes shouldn't there be two pins? It looks like they broke of when the motor clutch part just lost contact. I think I'm able to replace these parts, but are unsure what needs to be done as I don't have photos in a before state and also the spare part binder is difficult to read for this section. Regarding the Mikipulley, these are OEM parts, right? Can you confirm, which of the centaflex model this is (see Specifications | CF-A Models | Miki Pulley WWW.MIKIPULLEY.CO.JP ). One side seems to be a CF-A(S0), the other one an CF-A(O0). Last question, especially for Jase: Can you provide me something like a "regular maintenance task manual"? Still writing one for myself and just have added a new item (or as we Germans say "Learning by pain..." ,-). Thanks, Soeren
Good hint, but maybe I was a little unclear: I'm currently trying to separate the roller from the plate but the bearings are really tight. For putting everything together that's a good method (just need to check when my wife is away a couple of hours so I'll get a hand on our freezer 😆) Best, Soeren
Hi, I had today some piece of iron rod which wrapped around the shaft of the moving roller. I had to dismantle the whole roller slide plate unit, the motor and roller to get rid of this iron, no visible damage from the so far. But I was lucky to have this iron, because I noticed that two screws, which hold together the roler slide plate and guide mounting plate had been gone since my last inspection! This happened some time ago already and caused a major damage, so I'm quite glad to have this iron in the machine and just cheking this by coincidence. However, I'm currently trying to drive the roller shaft throught the two bearings. It looks like I need really a big hammer to do this. I cannot remember how it was two years ago when I had dismantled all these parts, but I would say it wasn't that difficult. And yes, I removed the circlip before ,-) So just to be on the safe side, could it be that one really need a lot of force to drive the shaft through the bearings? Btw. the roller turns absolutly smooth, I don't think the iron caused any damage. Thanks, Soeren
Ah, cool, thanks for helping! Will order parts right tomorrow, curious what they will cost... Best, Soeren
Thanks Jase, one rubber part is labeled something like "Centaflex, Mikipulley, Size 2". In theory one can find them on the internet, but there are different types available. Also many have three bolts, but the Arbtrak has only 2 bolts + 2 screws on the motor side plus 2+2 screws on the pump side. Best, Soeren
Hi, not sure if this is a problem of my previous attempts to replace the V-belt of the belt drive pump (have worked >50h since then). But today the rubber coupling part virtually exploded into pieces. The metal shaft is still looking perfect, but the two rubber parts flew into pieces. For security I added a screenshot from the spare parts binder with one half of the hitch colored red. I tried to look the two parts up in the spar parts binder but had no luck, not labeled. Jase or other, can you provide me with the respective numbers so I can order at my local dealer? Thanks in advance, Soeren
Just want to give this thread a happy end, finally ,-) I managed to exchange the belt a couple of days ago, and after removing the rubber coupling completely I now understand how it works and what the way is to remove it. Maybe it will be useful for somebody, the following goes into my personal "howto Arbtrak 190" collection (side note: Jase was right, but it might need some extra details) Mark the position of the two two 16mm bolts/the spacers which hold the double hydraulic pump and remove the two bolts The rubber coupling is fixed on the pump side using H6 allen bolts, but loose on the motor side using grub bolts. So try to slip of the pump together with the clutch away from the motor. If the grub bolts are very dirty, the clutch might not come off. Use plenty of WD40 and try again. If still not working unscrew the grub bolts (H6 allen key). Change the V-belt and assemble everything in reverse order. Any screws beeing part of the clutch, use additional blue threadlocker to secure. Happy new year to everyone! 🥳 Soeren
Hi Jase, just checked it: Both sides are each fixed with 4 allen head screws. 2 each are fixing the rubber to the shaft, 2 on the motor side and 2 on the pump side and another two each are fixing the rubber against the motor pulley and pump respectivly. I think this also makes sense, as the force somehow must be transfered through the shaft. But never mind: It's almost christmas🎄 😃, so happy holidays - i'll be back ,-) Regards, 🎅Soeren🎅