I could but its in Norwegian and you have to be a member of one of the cooperative housing properties to get access, we get work orders though an administrative body, so there is only general info about the maintenance services we offer....besides i think this is going a bit off topic....i get that eggswhat-ever thinks I’m an asshole who should have minded my own business , mike who doesn’t speak klingon is kind of the same opinion, but his starship enterprise training has left him with good manners. I was curious to know general opinions of what level of pride people placed in there training and education... it seems logical to me that if you’ve worked in an industry for years, learnt the ropes and skills through blood and sweat (and no doubt tears in eggswhat-Ever’s case, as he strikes me as a bit of a bitch), taken a further education course to improve your competence and take pride in your work, that having some one write, everyone who works in your area are muppets with tractors and chippers and my 2 day climbing course makes me the best...that you would think what a twat....but i didnt start the thread to moan and whine about some bloke in my region. I’m proud of what i do, I’m proud of getting up early and working my ass off to support my family, when i walk into the kindergarten to pick up my youngest kid, covered in sawdust, mud and the rest, and theres Erik bear Redbeard parking up in his flash car and in his sharp suit..i think haha, ive been hanging from a tree all day, you can keep your office job and shit loads of cash...ive worked for my title and I’m proud of it and my legacy will be in the trees ive maintained and looked after not in the flash house i leave my kids when I die. So if sending an email to a wannabe who’s claiming glory when he’s only started the battle makes me a dick..so be it...i personally think not taking pride in the work you do or the training you have makes you a bigger dick....that obviously wasn’t all aimed at you mike hill...but thats my mic-drop and here’s where it fell