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Posts posted by Haironyourchest

  1. On 07/02/2024 at 19:00, Haironyourchest said:


    IIRC he said like really short, a couple of years only. 


    I'm doubling my money on Britain's foremost psychic... Twitter is exploding with rumors that King Charles has passed away today.

  2. 6 hours ago, Vedhoggar said:

    I thought of buying a larger hemostatic dressing but with 2 x 10 cm x 10 cm used together you could treat a sizeable wound, I have some of those hemostatic granules as well but you need to apply a gauze and bandage on top so not as good  in an emergency if up a tree or some distance from another worker ... slipped on spikes once with climbing saw running cutting wrist and one of those 10 cm x 10 cm dressing would have more than covered area had I had one at the time (about 6 cm cut).


    Ok. Are they up to stopping a gusher though? With the celox product they say you really have to pack it into the wound and stuff.

  3. 17 hours ago, Vedhoggar said:

    The Stein Personal Bleed Control Kit and Plus kit have 1 x 10 cm X 10cm WoundClot dressing, the Medium kit has 1 x 8 cm X 20 cm dressing and the Large 2 x 8 cm x 20 cm dressings. I have the Plus kit but also bought 2 x 10 cm x 10 cm WoundClot dressings from physical-sports.co.uk for £16.25 plus vat. they do work in my experience and they claim to be effective in stopping bleeding for up to 24hrs, there is no manual pressure required once applied like some other makes which is good. When an artery is cut shock  will kick in and blood pressure drop quickly, it was over 1.5 hrs before ambulance arrived at the hospital emergency service dept and although I did at first begin with feel myself going I remained conscious probably on account of applying quickly the WoundClot dressing. 


    Yeah, that's the one I got, the Steiner +. I moved the wee dressing to a personal boo-boo kit, it's not suitable for a life threatening bleed but good to know it works all the same. Replaced the entire contents of the pouch with a single celox z-fold rapid, at €75 a few years ago. I have another pouch kit in the van with a tourniquet, 2 Israeli bandages and a CPR face mask. Used one of the Israeli bandage a few years ago at the scene of a car accident on a casualty. Serious scalp wound but weirdly not bleeding much. I was worried the injured party would faint and fall over, further contaminating the wound. Having a nice long bandage with a built in fluffy cushion pad obviated a lot of the stress of the situation.

  4. 3 hours ago, Vedhoggar said:

    No damage to tendon or nerves but did cut through an artery on thumb side but not the one on the other side of index finger (if both cut then risk go finger dying without surgery within a few hours). Sealed off cut to the artery within a few minutes with a hemostatic gauze dressing (Woundclot 10 cm X 10cm).


    Was that the wee woundclot dressing that comes in the personal first aid kits you hang on your belt? I got one in a Stein kit. Bought the kit on account of the woundclot, as advertised on the label.. when I saw the size of the thing I felt a bit cheated. Cool that you made it work 👍

  5. 4 hours ago, Steven P said:


    Not a surprise, when Elizabeth was still going strong - several years back - I could have predicted she'd live till her 90's, and them predicted that Charles wouldn't get the job till well into retirement age and getting on towards average UK life expectancy. Not hard to predict that his reign won't be a long one. I'd have said a few years ago that 10 or 15 years which isn't that long for a monarch really. William will be monarch for 30 to 40 years, so will his boy afterward. No psychic abilities to predict that just maths.


    IIRC he said like really short, a couple of years only. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, maybelateron said:

    I have never felt that impressed by Treehog products. Am I alone in thinking this?


    They're the budget option for sure. I had a pair of their boots once, I think. Didn't last pissing time. They failed (leaked or broke) and were given or thrown away.


    The spikes have held up fine thus far, only rarely used though. Needed modified from the start to make them useable for comfort.


    The wire core lanyard was fine.



  7. 1 hour ago, pleasant said:

    Very true....some of my customers who are retired and then start a little gardening round. Buy a 200 cheapie mower stick it the boot of their car...which hasnt got business insurance....and then charge themselves out at 8 or 10 quid an hour.


    A mower running for an hour is going to take most of that in fuel, then you have the costs to get there and back........they may as well devote their time to the ground of an old peoples home or churchyard and do it for nothing for charity. 


    Pity the younger guys who have got all the accreditation, expensive, decent kit, a van, insurance, van and liability...then tax on income. 


    Accreditation for mowing?

  8. 6 hours ago, donnk said:


    they cant make any of the current gen chips in volume, neither can we mind.


    Like the Russians they can do speak and spell chips no worries.


    How long do you think it will take China to ramp up output? Rus still buying western chips via third parties anyway, like we're buying their oil. 


    The double standard bothers me. Talking heads (inc Ursula) going on about washing machine components and conscription (incompatible narratives) yet behind the scenes the grown ups keep trading goods and commodities and us plebs are supposed to believe the propaganda and emote accordingly. Is the whole thing a big joke to them? 





  9. 4 hours ago, donnk said:

    it would be a massive turkey shoot.


    first 24 hours all the russian anti-air would be taken out giving free reign same as in the gulf.


    Then follows a week of the systemic destruction of their entire infrastructure, factories, bridges, dams, power stations  etc etc.


    If they were still mad enough to send infantry without air cover they it would be a massacre like the iraqi armoured column leaving kuwait in the gulf war.


    Remember they are socialists so literally nothing works, for example all the tyres on the lorries were ****************ed as they never rotated them. All kit is old tech and crap. They are living of the ex-USSR era rocket specialists for missiles but they are finite and need western chips anyway. They havent got (neither have we) a single latest grade semiconductor factory for example.


    We should only be worried about the bill for the massive amount of ordinance the military is going to be ordering from Kays catalogue on 52 weeks.




    China cracked the chip problem last year. Did you see the phone thing in the news? They can make chips as good as U.S and Taiwan now.


    Who knows what the red lines really are in the halls of power, behind the guff? Europe has half a billion people and we need their oil, and the middle east's oil. We're still dependant on it. If we or they do something that turns off the tap for real, its game over for us.




  10. The battle lines are currently stalled, but the real war is happening all over the world. It's diffused through the economic and geopolitical spheres.


    BRICS took on another 6 members. Probably more to join next year.


    China seemingly overtly supports Russia now. The support was always there, obviously, but diplomatically played down at the beginning.


    India was playing it cool, but seems to be tacitly throwing in with Russia more and more.


    The global south increasingly supports Russia, with a few notable exceptions.


    Support for the war has dipped in the US and EU massively since the start.


    Speaking generally, the "right" want out, the "left" want to keep it going. In the EU the "right" are gaining ground. 


    Germany is not looking good, by the numbers. AFD want out of the war.


    NATO is not the military power it once was. Still got nukes but manpower is down.


    Israel throws a spanner in the works. Houthis targeting Israel linked shipping etc. international court going after Israel led by a BRICS member. Truly massive protests against Israel all over. 


    EU has a Muslim problem. A sizable chunk of the EU population hates what Israel is doing and the governments of the EU support Israel. This is a powderkeg.


    The USA has a debt problem. 33 trillion, etc. social security will be bankrupt in 10 years.


    USA has a migration problem.

    USA has a civil/cultural/political bifurcation problem.


    USA also has a military problem. Nukes, yes, but manpower is down.


    Africa has kicked France out and disconnected from the French banking system. Decolonisation, with help from Russia.


    We in the West are just as heavily propagandized as the Russians/Chinese. Ours is a more subtle propaganda. In the main, it's propaganda by choice, a self directed filtering of news and information, confirmation bias etc.


    We were told the sanctions would humble Russia. Nothing of the sort happened. We're still buying Russian crude, at inflated prices, via India.


    My prediction is there will be WW3 of we want it. Ball is in our court. It's not a war we can "win", by any means whatsoever. Nukes or conventional, if we survive the event we won't survive the aftermath.









  11. 44 minutes ago, richarderskine said:

    Hi , yeah its slightly better in the crawler gear. I also noticed that going up a steep incline causes the levers to be solid and only stopping and releasing the clutch and taking the load off the transmission lets me pull the steering levers. 


    So the clutch packs aren't releasing (easily) when under load. The clutches are oil cooled, they share the transmission oil in the gearbox (80 weight gear oil). Have you ever changed the oil since new? My machine manual specified 0.8 Lt in the gearbox, after running in I drained the oil and noticed it had been underfilled at the factory, only 0.5 came out. Thought maybe there was more sitting in a low spot and filled and ran and drained again, and I do believe it was underfilled.


    Don't know if an oil change will help with the clutches but it won't hurt.

  12. 58 minutes ago, richarderskine said:

    What make is yours mate, mines is obviously labelled crytec but its a generic chinese job sold by loads of other companys. Also when you say your clutch levers are harder to operate do you mean a little more or death grip levels . Cheers for your input !


    "Casima" from Italy. Yeah I'd say harder to press the levers, but not super hard.

  13. Not hydrostatic transmission, conventional.


    The levers activate steering clutches in the gearbox.


    Works on gravel not on paved.


    My guess would be, there's too much sideways "sticking" (traction) between the tracks and the paved surface, for the torque of the machine to overcome. That's a fair load on the machine in the pic. Does it steer normally on paved when it's unloaded?


    With power applied to only one track, that track has to overcome sideways resistance to push the whole shebang "sideways" to turn. That's a lot to ask of a 5.5hp (?) motor, even with very low gearing. If the ground is "slidy" like gravel, grass, etc, it can pivot sideways by sliding over the ground, or bringing the ground with it (gravel). But a paved surface can actually provide more resistance to sliding than a non paved.


    I have a similar spec machine and also notice difficulty steering on tarmac. The marching tends to "judder" in the steer, like windscreen wipers on a sticky windscreen.


    I also notice the clutch steering levers harder to operate under load. Can't say I've noticed a difference on surfaces.


    I'm interested to hear thoughts about this from knowledgeable people.

    • Like 1
  14. 11 minutes ago, dumper said:

    I have always thought that log deliveries are covered by my insurance as they belong to me until customer pays for them upon delivery to the premises 


    That's what I thought too, until I renewed my policy this year. There was a checklist yes/no questions.. "Do you use your vehicle to deliver goods on a day-to-day basis?"... I looked into it and there is indeed a category of cover "deliveries" which the previous guy mentioned. Own goods - Deliveries - Courier. That's the progression. Own goods covers materials delivered to a site in order to produce a finished product at the site. So, planks, sand cement, tools, etc.


    But if you're finishing a product (firewood) and delivering it, it's a step up from own goods. Makes sense, risk wise, as a vehicle with a delivery round (homemade jam, whatever) would be potentially making multiple stops a day at premises, parking in the street to unload, driving in and out of properties etc. Riskier than a guy doing one return journey to workplace a day.


    Courier is the next level, as it's pick up and deliver and someone else's goods.


    But the keyword is "day-to-day basis" on my policy anyway. Way I read it, it would only become an issue if the insurer got wind of it and pretty solid evidence, then the could cancel the policy. Or if there was a claim and the assessor though there was regular deliveries going on.

  15. 13 minutes ago, Bob The Dog said:

    It’s nothing to do with a licence to sell logs. It’s about vehicle insurance. If you’re selling firewood and transporting it in / on a vehicle, you’ll need business use insurance. Selling of logs and all those legal requirements are not something police have any involvement in. Insecure loads cause accidents, and it’s good that police are dealing with these matters, and in a sensible way too. 


    His type of vehicle would almost certainly already have business (commercial) insurance. The insurer *may* have been interested in what he was doing with the logs *if* there had been a claim, as the small print on his policy would specify if he was covered for goods deliveries, which is a step up from the standard "own goods". Hard to prove if he wasn't advertising log deliveries. And you're allowed to deliver stuff on a personal or "occasional" basis anyway under own goods coverage. All depends what policy he has. I think it's unlike the cop would have been interested in this (though you never know).

  16. 8 minutes ago, dig-dug-dan said:

    Reported for insecure load. I think as I was giving the logs away, he said no more. I genuinely was, giving them to my ex wife to keep my kids warm!



    I see. Probably nothing will come of it. It's important to secure loads though, especially on major roads, cos if the load spills (say, as a result of being t-boned by another vehicle) it could cause a chain of accidents to other road users and the insurer would walk away.. i was coming home with a guy from a job one time, I wasin my car, he was towing his chipper and he took a log home with him to mill into planks. It was about five feet long by 9 inch and he tied it in the chute of the chipper, chute half closed and log sticking out diagonally, bits of webbing straps wrapped around the whole thing. I had bad vibes about it and said it should be tied up better but he was satisfied.. long story short, the log fell off on his way home and another car hit it. Minor damage, thankfully. It was all very embarrassing and stressful..


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