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<p>Gareth, I appreciate the amount of work that goes into it. So it's 65 m3 of solid round wood, or is it 65m3 loose load in the lorry. I am interested but margins are tight when you consider I buy softwood delivered in @£35 a cube and process my self. Send a few pictures to <a href="mailto:" rel="">[email protected]</a>. Cheers. Rich</p>
<p>It's cut to like 9" long all cut and split. I can get you pictures if you would like! Ye I guess vat might be the killer but it's still cheap for the amount of wood you get. Gareth</p>
<p>Send me a picture of the split wood so I can gage the sizes, I take it the 65m3 is loose load and not the bulker measurement. VAT might bethe killer because I'm not vat registered for firewood. Always prefer cash for firewood. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Sorry about the delayed reply. I could supply you with a arctic load of softwood cut and split for £42m cube. 65m cube on a lorry for £2730 +vat plus delivery which would be around £350 - £400 +vat or you can arrange your own transport.</p>
<p>Gaz, would prefer to buy timber in the round as I need to store in the field before taking to my processing yard. Give me a price for a split load, delivery to NP265UA. it might be worth looking at. You don't do softwood cord?</p>
<p>Not sure where you are but I could give you a price for softwood cut and split delivered to you. Can fit 65m cube in a arctic lorry.</p>