Hi, this is my first post here. I registered in the hope of getting some advice and recommendations about a chainsaw purchase.
I must admit that I was a bit apprehensive about posting here as this is a forum for proffesional arborists while I'm just a home owner who wants to fell a few trees and cut up logs for the wood burner and was affraid I would just get tutted at for not wanting to spend umpteen hundred pounds on a STIHL or Husqvarna model.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not after cheap'n'nasty but good value for money. Obviously, value for money means different things to different poeple and depends on what uses the tool is going to be put to. None of my power tools are high end and most are shop own brand or 'no-name' brands (table saw - B&Q, concrete breaker - Screwfix, sliding mitre saw - Aldi, Petrol strimmer/brushcutter - eBay/chinese) but they have all served me extremely well and have renovated two family homes and generally done a lot of work and are still going strong. This is probably because I look after them and they stay in one place and not bouncing around in the back of a van etc. Therefore I consider most of my tools to have been good value for money,
However I know nothing about chainsaws. I currently own a Black and Decker electric chainsaw that has seen better days and won't be up to what I want to do. So I am looking for a petrol chainsaw to innitially cut down about 31 Leylandii trees that have become overgrown and then just very occasional garden use. I would think a 40cm bar would be best but please correct me if I'm wrong.
I have been looking at the following models and would like your opinions please.
Mountfield MC3616 40cm 1.6hp Petrol Chainsaw | Screwfix.com
Einhell BG-PC 4040 Petrol Chainsaw (40cm Guide Bar)
BGPC4040 40cm Petrol Chainsaw with 40cc Engine - Machine Mart
Ryobi RCS4040CB 40cc Petrol Chainsaw - Machine Mart
Ryobi 42cc Power XT™ Series Petrol Chainsaw, 4892210819956
It would appear from the pictures & model numbers that the Einhell & the Machine Mart own brand one are the same model.
As you can see I am looking around the £150 mark (some a bit less, some a bit more) and I have ignored the cheapy eBay ones after reading these forums.
There is also the McCulloch CS360T but I didn't know if the shorter bar would be a problem.
Perhaps you could give me the pros and cons of each model so that I can make an educated decision or even suggest another make/model that I haven't considered.
Many thanks for any help.