Hello all!
I’ve finally joined this excellent forum, after much research on here into potential ride-on mowers for my property, and this seems like the perfect place to ask! Apologies for the long post, but hopefully the details will help with the advice.
The property –
Total 6.5 acres of well-established (60+ years) woodland garden, made up of English oak, American red oak, beech, birch, ash, chestnut, cherry, acer, and quite a few others – approx 200+ trees in total! Also, being Devon, many, many rhododendrons!
Approx 2-2.5 acres of flat lawn with a couple of gentle slopes, in 4 different sections, and the woodland is intersected by paths throughout, some fairly narrow in places. Most paths are fairly smooth, but some are a little bumpy with tree roots.
Previous mower inherited from last owner – Honda HF1211. I know that will cause some surprise, given the size of the garden, but the little Honda lasted for around 8/9 years in the garden, with me working it pretty hard since I bought the place 4 years ago. It has finally died however, so the time has come to replace it.
Requirements –
· Capable of mowing that size of lawn & paths with ease.
I usually mow for approx 8-10hrs every 2 weeks - either in one go or 2 x 4/5hr sessions (on the little Honda, only had a 28" deck and 170lt capacity - I'm hoping the new mower will cut that time a fair bit!)
· Given my mowing every 2 weeks, and given the sheer amount of rain Devon gets, a pure mulching mower is not really for me – I’m looking for a collecting mower (I have multiple compost heaps to drop it all off)
· Not too wide, so it can still fit down most of the paths as well – 48” absolute max, but probably prefer around the 42” deck size. And as part of that, the side discharge & collection types aren’t what I’m looking for, I think they’ll be too wide, so rear collection I think.
· Able to collect wet grass without blocking is a big requirement.
· And the ability to collect leaves (wet and dry), given just how many trees we have!
· Some of the lawns have trees/beds in the middle of them, so manoeuvrability is also part of the equation. As is the height of mower for overhanging branches, and I don’t need high-tip
· Ideally, I would like ability to tow a small trailer once or twice a year (I don’t own one right now, but for shifting logs around it would really help.)
In summary, I need –
· Durable, for the size of garden
Rear collection, probably low tip, easy to empty from the seat
· 42”/48” max deck
· Mow wet grass without blocking (ok finish, but not looking for bowling green perfection, or stripes etc)
· Collect leaves (wet & dry) without blocking, it must do this
Would like –
Very occasional towing capability
· Reasonable servicing costs
Budget £5,000 - £6,000 total (inc VAT)
Machines in the mix –
John Deere
X350R (new/ ex-demo)
· GR1600 MK11 (used)
· GR2120 (used)
· Not sure I’ll get any other models that are in good shape in my budget
· SGX216 (used/ ex-demo) – I don’t think this model has a tow hitch option?
· SGX19 (used, not sure a decent one will be in my budget….)
Etesia (used)
· Hard to find, and really expensive, so not sure which model would do what I need!
I feel a little lost, having started with a new Westwood T60 being recommended by a local dealer, only to read a lot of extremely poor reviews around reliability, servicing/repair costs, and differing views on whether the powered collector actually works in the wet…. With the new summer season fast approaching, I am keen to make the purchase in the next few weeks, so I’ve turned to the experts!
Thanks so much for any help/advice!