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Everything posted by Ryanfalkland
Great, thanks for all the info lads. Yeh the area we lease just isn't big enough to have a major event that we would be responsible for. Think i have everything i need now. Cheers to all. And if anyone wants to get involved with the project you would be most welcomed.
Yeh mate kinda spot on. Ive been to other trails and seen the devastation caused by windblow. I build trails at many locations in Scotland and have seen it first hand. In one instance the fc basically felled an entire area. So i get where you guys are coming from. But i do know that in the last 18 years at Falkland we have never had to deal with any more than a couple of trees on trail at any give time. Id say on average we deal with this once every couple of years. I know the British weather is unpredictable but come on you have to play the numbers. From what ive told you and assuming you believe me the chances of a catastrophic windblow following the exact corridor along our trail at this location is highly unlikely. Im no expert but the club has got by the last 6 years with no more than an ms181 lol. We dont have to react instantly, a week or two is acceptable. But if left to the landowner it could be a couple of months.
Are we possibly geographically lucky with the site and how its positioned ?
I get what are saying guys, im just struggling to imagine how its possibly to have a major windblow site THAT WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR in our small corridor. Its insanely unlikely. Ive been riding there for 18 years almost and the worst ive ever seen on our trails is one maybe two trees tops blocking the trails at any given time. And such an incident rarely occurs. We have to be reasonably practical about it. But yes worst case scenario and we have a major incident we would need to look at sub contractors which could break us. I highly doubt this will ever happen. There just isn't a great deal of windblow at falkland. I will discuss this with the landowner though as it is a valid point. Not sure how it could be worded in an agreement though. The heads of terms are still open for discussion which is a good thing.
No sorry, We have leased land off the owner to build our trails. The leased area is a corridor through the woods. The corridor is the marked trail plus 10 meters either side. If a tree falls within our leased area and is blocking our trails or dangerous we have to rectify this as its in our leased area. Given the limited size of our leased area a windblown catastrophe that we would be solely responsible for is highly unlikely. If a tree falls outside our leased area then the landowner is responsible. This is stated on our lease and management plan and is free of ambiguity. The land owner is not trying to screw us over. Its a simple defining boundary line and the responsibility of it is defined from the trees point of origin. If we were to leave the responsibility for windblown trees solely with the landowner the likelihood would be that it wont be rectified as quickly as we like and we might have trails closed for too long. This would impact the business. Does this make sense?
Actually quite difficult to find some decent pictures as all are focused on mountain bikers. Here is a couple videos of the trails. https://m.pinkbike.com/video/244493/ https://m.pinkbike.com/video/330292/ All the trails are on here.
Im actually considering it tbh but we dont have the cash yet. Hopefully going for some funding soon though. Its an idea. Only problem is the landowner isn't happy with just being certified, he also wants proof of experience. I know The FC take a similar stance on chainsaw operations.
Lol, yeh there's not much that size at Falkland mate. Am i going to have to post our cutters CVs and certs on here before anyone believes me lol. One of our volunteers has been doing it for 20 odd years. I really do appreciate your trying to drum it into my brain that its a very dangerous task and i do believe you. Thats why im not doing the cutting lol. Cheers for the vid.
We are only responsible for a ten meter corridor either side of the trails as per our lease agreement. In the event of a catastrophic windblown event the responsibility would revert back to the land owner. But i like how you thinking of all scenarios thanks. We dont have the cash to bring in heavy plant for years 1 to 3. My hope is that we can manage with big saws, 4x4s and winches. We have a decent relationship with the landowner and im sure in a major event he would send his boys in to help out.
Cheers dude.
Seriously? LOL. Cheers. The land manager asked me, what will you do in the event of windblown trees blocking the trails. Just trying to get a plan together. Until this actually occurs we dont need cutters. If your serious its appreciated though. One of our guys is a mountain biker doing it for free the other might want a little something as hes not. The more the merrier.
You are completely wrong. I am information gathering, nothing has happened yet. You are completely misinterpreting the situation here. You might not be swearing but you definitely cast the first insult. You are making me out to be a crook without any proof. You are condescending and very unhelpful. Our organisation is trying build a bike park with volunteers, the easiest option is to sub it out but have no cash to do so. I apologise if my swearing has offended anyone with good intent.
Will do, loads online from the old bike park. Will i pm them?
Once again not reading it properly. The OP will advise on the site specific risks and Methods at the time. Ive stated this many times. I used to supervise working parties in high voltage substations including civils, cable pulling, overhead lines and some big ass cranes. I reviewed many RAMS in my time and i know for a fact that many of the risks and countermeasures are repeated. THESE ARE THE ONE IM AFTER. You dont know me, my background or my cutters, You have just assumed im a cowboy lol. Your right i know fuck all about dealing with windblown trees. Not once have i said otherwise.
Ok one more time for those who dont get what im saying. IM NOT DOING THE CUTTING. Im here for advice so that i can have the work carried out in safe manner, hence not a cowboy. NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING UNTIL ALL PARTIES INCLUDING THE 2 QUALIFIED CUTTERS ARE HAPPY. The cutters are doing this not as subcontractors but as direct volunteers of the charity therefore the templates Will need to be ours. The site specific input will from the cutters. If you think im lying about the competency of our cutters then ask yourself WHY? Without the correct tickets the land owner wont agree to it anyway. What we have here is a classic case keyboard gangsters at the windup. FOR THOSE THAT DID HELP, THANKS.
Finally a good guy that knows what he is talking about. Thats exactly what i was saying. I write rams all the time. On mine, id say most of the risks and countermeasures repeat themselves on almost every one. This will be the same with chainsaw usage. There will be some Risks that are on every set of rams you use. Im not after the site specific ones. I would be very grateful for an example so i get an idea and head start. Im trying to make my cutters job a little easier. Also as its volunteer work under a charity the rams would have to be in the charities name. So asking the cutters to set the layout and templates would just cofuse matters. I make a decent template with everything i know and the cutters can review and fill in the blanks. I'll PM you my Email Address if thats ok.
Read it properly dickhead. Im trying to gain a head start and find an example of Rams nothing more. You question my cutters without even knowing who they are or what tickets they have. You just assumed the worst and took the opportunity to have a dig without any constructive comment. A cowboy would just go cut it, not go through investigative means for an answer.
Nobody cares, Yer patter is pish, go troll somewhere else.
I had thought of this and will most certainly be looking for their input. I just want to minimise their workload so they dont get put off helping. If i at least have all the templates ready to go i can then write the final assessment via their input and allow these guys to get on with it.
Thanks, His name is familiar, hes probably on our Facebook page. Was kinda hoping this might happen. Our present cutter is very experienced and a mountain biker, but we certainly would welcome more volunteers. I just want to do as much prep work as possible for them so they dont get put off by extra workload. Its great when guys actually help. Cheers dude.
Really, thats it? Cut me some aloe Vera for this burn. Although If your cutting is as good as your chat i fear you wouldn't even manage that.
Cheers for the input. Appreciate it. As i said earlier, my guys are both qualified for windblown trees. I understand a minimum of 2 is required for this task and we have two. I know there will be many different scenarios in your game but our area consists of one species of tree and is relatively small and consistent with respect to the surroundings and footing. I understand each job will be assessed dynamically however im assuming that there are risks and countermeasures that are consistent on all rams. Its just these im after at the moment. I do appreciate your help cheers.
Finally the one has arrived. You took your time. You know nothing about me and the cutters i have on board. These guys are volunteers and i want to minimise their workload thats all. Cheers for your shite input helmet.
Ok good advice thanks. Our cutters are very experienced so no problem there. Ive been in the construction industry long enough to know about competency and experience and would not take this task on without thinking it through. I am fully aware that you cannot properly complete a risk assessment without seeing the task at hand however, i would assume that most of the risks are generic, these are the ones i would like to know. I want to create a template with all the foreseeable / generic risks in place so that when we come to do the job there is minimal delay. At this point we can assess the job and add it to the partially completed template. Your completely right, i couldn't possibly write the RAMS on my own hence this conversation. Thanks.
Hi All, I am trying to create an action plan for the removal of windblown trees on a new proposed mountain bike park in Fife. I need to write method statement and risk assessment to accompany this plan. I have plenty of experience creating RAMS and have all the templates at my finger tips but i am unfamiliar with chainsaw operations and the removal of windblown trees. I would be extremely if someone could send me an example method statement and risk assessment for this specific task. We are a charity on the verge of creating a top bike park in Falkland, Fife. We rely on the good will of others to make things happen. We must react quickly to windblown trees across the trails and must submit a plan of action to the land owner to prove we are able to do so. I have 2 volunteers fully qualified to carry out the work i just need to do the Paper work and im sorted. Please help.