don't you guys know that California has been in the longest drought in recorded history?ive nearly forgotten what rain is!
but seriously, the last version i made did not have the kinds of problems you guys are describing with wet conditions. as they were made to basically the same design i am a little confused why it seems to be working so horribly. i do have a couple of theories. first off, the anodizing most definitely adds friction until it is worn off. second, this version is made with a different alloy of aluminum. while i dont think that really makes any difference it could. lastly, and most likely, is the difference in machining quality between the old cams and these new ones. the new ones are cnc machined to very high tolerances while the old ones were made by me with my crap tools in my crap shop. i think part of the issue is that the old ones had enough slop that the upper cam rotated a few degrees farther down when the akimbo was weighted. the new ones ride a little higher and that puts them close to the point where they flip up into the locked position. if any of you have another situation where it suddenly becomes really difficult to descend, take a look at the pin that engages the top cam. if the pin is up against the top "hook" on the cam then that is exactly what has happened. ive just made a couple of new cams to test this theory and if they work out i will make them available. thank you guys for your feedback! like ive said before, its still not perfect and if i dont hear about the negatives i wont be able to make improvements. cheers. Jaime
ps, i absolutely plan on making the gap between the sides bigger for 13mm ropes in the final version. it was unfortunately beyond my budget to have that machined for this version.