Hi again, and thank you all for your comments, as i said in the OP, someone who saw my vid on youtube suggested i might post it here. Im not seeking kind words or sympathy, or even donations, but thanks for the offer Kennedy.
A little context perhaps, i made the videos quite a while ago now, right at the start of workfare. At that time, Working Links didnt have anyone who could do a work placement in Wigtownshire, they probably still dont. The alternative was to sit in their office for 8 hours a day pretending to do job interviews or endlessly going over old ground in one way or another.
What annoyed me about this was that not only would they be wasting my time, but they also get a bonus for carrying out this mickey mouse training.
My response was to ask around and through one person then another i ended up talking to the owner of a large forestry estate who decided he could use my labour and provide me with some training into the bargain.
The initial idea was that i would do some dyking and some fencing, but in the end he decided he would rather i bashed trees for four weeks. He paid for insurance and because of this i decided to honour my side of the bargain despite feeling a bit peeved at this so called opportunity.
PPE suitable for the job at hand is a legal requirement on any placement, as is a high vis pair of trousers and waterproof jacket. I dont make these rules.
All i actually asked for was wellies, bib an brace since the bracken was 5 foot deep soaking constantly and heaving with ticks. I dont think this is especially unreasonable.
Troughing politicians aside, i did take this up with Working Links, but they just refused to accept that they should provide PPE. My personal feelings on it are that they disliked the fact i had found a placement and they had been cheated out of an extra earner in providing the placement themselves.
Faced with their complete stonewall i had no other option but to ask my local MP for his help.
How much was i on?, at that point the dole was £65 a week, (i dont claim rent). On top of my basic dole of £65 i also got a travel allowance of £15 a week. That was my entire income for the four weeks i was on this placement.
I live on the west coast of The Machars and had to travel to Creetown for the job, this is a 30 mile trip each way (i know i said 30 miles all in in the film, but i was tired i expect). Initially i drove until the stones on the tracks ruptured my fuel line and caused e to have to get the bus (an extra 4 hours a day). Not to mention that depending on which bit of the estate i was on id have a 4-5 mile walk from Creetown to get to my work.
I dont mind admitting that the whole experience was really exhausting, food was genuinely an issue, with all the added walking and travel time when i was on the bus i was struggling even to have time to make sarnies the night before never mind walk my lurchers when i get home.
I did all this because i was genuinely showing willing, despite the fact that the owner told me he valued my work at £12 a day (not that he paid me this) not once during or after did he check or asses the work.
Since then ive been on the dole, then off the dole, then on the dole, then off the dole. Im 45, i live in a pretty deprived rural area (unless your a farmer or landowner). Work is scarce and locals under 30 get most jobs. I do what i can.
And Bob, yes, i am interested in doing more forestry labouring, as i said im 45 moderately fit, have a full driving license, use a chain saw regularly, have absolutely no training or certificates of any kind, happy to go to The Barony at my own expense if it will get me anywhere. Where are you based?
Absolutely correct Rich, despite the fact that this is touted as retraining/opportunity/try-out etc its all lies, its just a huge cash cow of tax payers money going to company's who tick boxes, create impressions, fake outcomes and polish their arses. Both of the two main companies involved are being investigated for systematic fraud
Despite what you hear on the news, or read in right wing rags like the mail or suchlike, most claimants are doing what they can. What is really scandalous is that rather than invest the money in real vocational training for the non intellectual elites like they used to years ago, they now give all those millions to private companies who help the government fiddle the unemployment figures, One of these companies, Tomorrows people is run by Tories connected with the Conservative government.
Sorry to go on. I hope this has addressed some of your points.