Good evening all,
Sorry for late update on my MS260. It’s fixed, starts third or fourth pull and runs in my opinion well.
The problem was the nuts I had used to hold carb to the cylinder. I bought the saw off an auction site. All was well for a while and then it started to bog down so I decided to remove carb, clean it and fit new diaphragms etc.
However, when I removed the air filter housing there were no nuts holding carb to cylinder. No idea why, but after asking on here some time ago was this correct and being told no I set about correcting this, I could see that the nuts needed to be a bit slimmer than standard so I filed them down. Problem sorted so I thought.
Anyway, it became a swine to start, I was directed to a professional saw dealer and he suggested that as I was only using it now and again to use easy start to get it going. Which I did, until the easy start ran out, there wasn’t a lot in the tin anyway.
The saw started to bog down and scream, I was cheesed off with it and just shoved it under the bench with the intention of buying a new one.
Now this is where the wife came in, as I was always successful in repairing friend’s equipment she made it clear that as I had the ability to repair my own so why was I thinking of buying another one. Good point I thought, and who was I to argue.
So, I retrieved the saw and stripped it, cleaned it reassemble and try to start, only by putting a drop of fuel on the filter housing would it start, but very soon scream.
Take it apart, again, that’s when I came on here to ask for help, which I was grateful for.
Just by chance, I started to think in an old fashioned way, choke and what a choke is for???
That is when I picked up one of the nuts and put in the recess of the filter housing, it was proud by about a 1/16 (2mm). Light bulb moment, I can hear you all saying stupid bugger, it was then that I realised that the thickness of the nut/s we’re holding the air filter housing off the carb body, bearing in mind that the choke butterfly is part of the housing. Obviously on cold start it was drawing air and cancelling out the effect of the choke. I reduced the thickness of the nuts and “bingo”
So, apart from the above, the rest is history so to speak.
I did also replace both diaphragms, pump and metering.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but it may but I doubt it help someone else.
Thank you all again.