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Posts posted by scottythepinetree

  1. 18 hours ago, Twentyeight Trees said:

    Thanks for the reply Dan. 

    My theory for natural braces came from https://www.trees.org.uk/Trees.org.uk/media/Trees-org.uk/Documents/Conference17/WED-07-Dr-Duncan-Slater.pdf 


    in a nutshell a natural brace stops the movement within the union, the friction would divide cells and create a ridge. If natural brace dies then the union is heavily compromised…. On the flip side of the natural brace doesn’t die/fail then it’s supporting the union…… 😩


    all very interesting stuff! I’ll email the TO tomorrow. 


    There's a related article in the most recent (I think) copy of Arb Journal. There's more solid data supporting the idea that natural braces cause included bark. This Powerpoint is a little weak though. It seems to be an opinion survey, with a suggestion that the opinions of those who disagree with the narrative (should a study even have a narrative?) are doing so because of their level of experience. "Respondents’ level of experience was related to different answers to questions 5 and 12".

    I'd be interested to see some long-term studies on this.

  2. On 16/05/2022 at 07:25, AA Teccie (Paul) said:

    The question is whether the HSE will be open to review...and I think very unlikely tbh.


    The expectation(?) is that with new climbers coming through the system", learning on '2 ropes', i.e. "climbing with a backup system in place", that it will become the norm. 

    Very unlikely. Most of our new guys come out of their training on two ropes, see the lads a bit further on than them blitzing out work on one rope and pretty quickly ditch the second line.

    As far as I can see, it hasn't been adopted at all, nor will it.

    • Like 10
  3. On 12/05/2022 at 15:26, dadio said:

    That's a perfect response from an idiot. pure stupidty with 20 years expereience. that was a planned hinge failure.. the tree landed right in the lawn, missing the fence and other trees it would have hit if it it came all the way over against the lean... That chess.. you're playing checkers and don't recognize the game becasue it's so far over your head. You saw the failed hinge and thought I lost the tree to the lay, but it was obvious from the setup that there wasn't room for it to fall straight back. It fell right into an open yard. FIT PERFECTLY!


    A technique I have used and video taped multiple times. Heavy leaners or failed tree need to be pulled up straight directly against the lean. ONce they have been straighteneed out, they can be felled to the side or allowed to fall to the sideweight. The pull line turns into a right angle retainer line... I;ve had to explain this and other advanced techniques to dumbasses like you for years... it's way over your head and yet think so highly of your knowledge and experience. 


    The tree fell 90 degrees to the hinge and landed only 5 feet away from the fence.. It's pretty obvious that the tree would have taken the fence out if it had continued on the hinge. So you've outed yourdelf. Criticizing Trevor for the nick in his line when he pulled one of the worst rigging moved ever is like telling someone overdosing on heroin that their fly is down.



    Yotube pulled that video for copyright violations for the music I was using so I had to use their music and repost:




    That's not the video. It was called "Biting off more than I can chew" or something along those lines.

  4. 19 minutes ago, dadio said:

    This is exactly what I mean by a bunch of pussies... you're criticizing him for using a nicked line when he put his body right into the only path the rope could go when the piece moved into the rigging then proceeded to pull the piece right into himself after using a snap cut and finishing with a hand saw, when he simply could have stood on the other side and made quick work of the cut. That was pure stupidity of a high order which is rarely seen or survived in this business, and you're talking about gear checks...  

    You think climbing on a nicked line is acceptable?

    Which do you think is more dangerous, a slap of a branch or a climbing line failing? What if he shock loads the line (which lets face it, the guy seems really likely to do) through either a fall or getting tangled up  and dropping a branch onto it?

    Also, I get that you feel attacked and are therefore verbally retaliating like a petulant child, but calling people pussies isn't going to get the response you seem to be looking for (from me at least). I've been around the block mate. Over 20 years in the business. Long enough to remember that video of yours knocking out the top of a large broadleaf  and watching it go completely arseways. Whatever happened to that video? Seems to have vanished. Know the one I'm talking about? Tied off too low on a crane and tipped over after it was cut (the head, not the crane). Would you say that was more stupid or less stupid that this video?

    • Like 4
  5. I think the guy berating Nate might be a lot more careless than we see in this video.1620481585_NateVid.thumb.png.b4e992a6670cf80d590951fc988dd767.png


    Clearly damaged climbing line. So he either doesn't check his gear before he climbs, or worse, he checked it and didn't see this as a problem.

    Darwin Award in his future, I think.

  6. 16 hours ago, Dan Maynard said:

    I have read it starts off growing away from the light, which pushes it under the tree canopy. At some point in maturity it switches to growing towards the light, and then climbs up and away. I'd have to find the source again.

    Any chance you could find that source? I wouldn't mind taking a look at it. Provided it isn't an out-of-print edition of a 30-year-old book that costs multiple hundreds of £/€ of course.

  7. I live in the West of Ireland. We're absolutely covered in the stuff. It's everywhere and has been for as long as I can remember.

    If you have a tree that you're particularly fond of or want to look nice, sever the ivy every few years. No dramas at all. Same as it has always been.

    If you were really stuck for a research topic, I bet you could get some mileage out of this. Canvassing a group of tree surgeons on a forum probably won't add much to it though.

  8. Surely this thread is pointless. It is literally asking for anecdotal evidence to support an unsubstantiated hypothesis.

    You shouldn't be looking for opinion if you believe that there is a problem. You should be looking for evidence. For what it's worth. I'm working with trees since 2002 in a number of capacities (climber, utility, team lead, safety manager). I haven't noticed any difference in the last 20 years. 

    This means absolutely nothing however. You really need to begin measuring and collecting some form of concrete data. This will probably take a number of years before any sort of pattern emerges, but then this is one of the challenges of studying trees. The data is often multi-generational. Trees live a lot longer than us.

    In 3-5 years or more, if you measure a percentage increase in Ivy covered trees or trees failing due to Ivy, then maybe you have thread, but for now, you really don't.

    What is the result that you are hoping for? Reach a consensus on an unsubstantiated claim? Have a number of experienced Arbs propagate that claim amongst their colleagues and clients? Because without data, that is the only thing that can possibly come of this thread.

    Or the alternative, which is to ignore a problem that hasn't been proven to exist. Which seems like the better option?

    • Like 6
  9. On 27/10/2021 at 19:34, jfc said:

    I hoped you wouldn't have any more pics and I could leave it at that, darn it!

    Look like fairy inkcaps, Coprinellus disseminatus.
    I thought they were inkcaps but then used the second image to search Google lens (very good app for id of plants etc). It had ink caps as first choice, then look up coprinellus on the Tma fungi app and found other photos of fairy inkcaps to confirm.

    They are not known to damage trees and cause problems they are saprotrophic living on already dead wood. A root may have died and they are decaying that.

    Anyway that's my opinion but I'm no expert.

    Looks pretty close on Google. Thanks for the reply.

  10. 4 hours ago, trigger_andy said:

    Car safety features and build quality have improved massively since then though. As has the stringency of the MOT. It this is by far the biggest reason for the drop in deaths on the roads. Then we have the change in the publics views on drink driving and having that better enforced. In my opinion the change in requiring a Trailer License post 1997 would be a mere blip on the stats.  

    Safety in general isn't built upon any single aspect. It requires a multi-faceted risk based approach which includes engineering controls (like safety features, better roads, clearer sign posting), administrative controls (like lower limits for alcohol, more police presence, speed cameras), behavioral aspects (which includes the public views and attitude that you mentioned) and not least of all competence (knowledge, training and experience).

    The trailer license is not that hard to get if the bureaucratic side of things is run correctly. It really is a no-brainer that vetting drivers before letting them on the road pulling heavy loads is a good idea. Think of the worst case scenario under the new rules. Do you think someone who has just passed their test and only ever driven a 1L Micra, should now be allowed to jump in a jeep and tow a couple of tonnes of a woodchipper on a public road, with no supervision, training or instruction?

    This change wasn't brought in because it is a better idea or as some have said on here "some common sense, finally". It was brought in because the people running the testing/training couldn't manage it properly and let too big of a backlog build up. It is a quick sticking plaster response to a failure, which you should be annoyed about.


    • Like 1
  11. On 10/09/2021 at 21:02, ChrisNewport said:

    Ive just been reading that people are up in arms about this saying that there will be thousands of more deaths on the roads due to this, an upside down caravan on every corner and a trailer in every ditch. Pre 1997 i dont recall a mass of trailer and caravan accidents.

    This may not be directly related to trailers, but on the whole, changes to driving laws and enforcement has had an undeniably positive affect on road traffic accidents since 1997 (and before). Injuries and deaths on the road have been dropping steadily since 1979, despite the number of vehicles on the road increasing. I wonder if the nearsightedness will remain if accidents increase and insurance premiums go up across the board as a result?:image.thumb.png.2dfed85872ec8284b5765aacb21ab67c.png

    1 hour ago, MattyF said:

    After spending 20 years towing a sub 750kg chipper and reversing off all manor off roads and in to tight drives and driving tractors with forwarding trailers loaded through thinned woods and narrow country lanes I'm pretty sure I don't need to take a test to tow a trailer like most of us ... any one who disagrees Is feeling butt hurt about spending the money or already had it on there licence and that the advantage had helped them make money over competitors ... now it's a level playing Feild.

    An independent test isn't about whether or not you are capable of towing a trailer, it's about proving your competence (and everyone else's) before being allowed to be responsible for towing a trailer on public roads.

    It's not some insurmountable obstacle in the way of all the young kids whose dream it is to tow trailers over 750kg. It's an inconvenience far outweighed by the benefits. If there are hold ups and bureaucracy causing unnecessary delays, then that is an issue that needs to be addressed. Every job has barriers to entry. The barriers should reflect the potential earnings, in an ideal world. Where this isn't the case, that too is an area that needs to be looked at.

    I can't help but think that this is a populist decision that will ultimately lead to more accidents/fatalities on the roads.

    • Like 3
  12. To be fair, when dealing with the public, you can't reiterate your instructions too many times. Like lemmings, the walk past signage, over or through barriers and often ignore direct warnings. It's almost as though they think large timber would make a nice hat.

    • Like 5
  13. On 25/01/2021 at 21:24, Cactusjack1993 said:

    Does anyone know If a employer wanted to check up on my qualification through City and guilds even though I don't have it in hand yet, would they still be able to confirm to the employer that's its on its way? 

    Did you get a receipt when you passed your assessment?

    City & Guilds won't deal with anyone other than the individual or the training center. I've tried chasing up certs in the past for employees and been told they can only discuss results with the candidate.


    We've also had assessors forget to send in confirmation that candidates have passed, so no harm chasing it up regardless of Covid/Christmas.

    • Like 1
  14. 15 hours ago, Big J said:

    I've started rowing too as I have a Concept 2 in the gym.

    Nice. Concept 2 isn't cheap, but there aren't really many other options for someone your size. You'd outgrow a cheaper one in a week or two. Be careful though. You'd be surprised how many people develop back problems from rowing with bad form. Very similar movement pattern to deadlifts/rows, but high reps/low weight and encourages pushing through fatigue. Some people get sloppy when they get tired and let their back round. Over time, this can cause problems if you're not careful.


    15 hours ago, Big J said:

    Additionally find Pendley rows to be excellent. 

    I like Pendlays. I find them hard not to cheat rep when the weight gets heavy (for me that's about 100-110kg), which makes it hard to judge progression. There's not supposed to be any eccentric with them. Explosive concentric and then drop. I do 8 rep sets. I often find myself doing the first 4 or 5 with perfect form, explode, touch the chest, drop with no movement in the legs or torso. Then when I get to rep 6 or so, I get stuck a couple of inches from the chest. Before I know I've done it, I have given it a little bump with leg drive. I'm a stickler for form, so it becomes a judgement call as to whether to count the rep or not. Some of the biggest guys in my gym allow themselves lots of this and still count the reps.


    I try to compensate with low rows, weighted pull-ups and lat pulls though. They're easier to be controlled with. The explosive stuff is hard not to cheat a little.

  15. On 08/11/2020 at 14:05, Big J said:

    Well I overdid it on the squats. Gave myself tendonopathy in both my patella tendons! ?


    That was about 2 months ago and they are recovering fairly well. No squatting yet, but lunges and deadlifts are OK. 


    No back issues now really. The odd stiff day but 90% functionality has returned, which I'm happy with. Bodyweight it up to a steady 120kg, which is sensible for someone my height. Strength is going up well too. 


    I bought a Concept 2 rower a little while back too and I'm enjoying that also. A solid all body workout and terrific for your cardiovascular system. Any other rowers out there? 

    20 rep sets (how many sets?) could be what did your knees in. I get that you want to stay away from one rep maxes, but have you considered meeting in the middle? 8 rep sets or similar?


    If you're really set on volume, you could try rest/pause with a rep goal. For example, pick a weight that you can do 8 reps with fairly handily. (Don't worry if it's too light this session). Then do 3 sets trying to hit 25 reps over the 3 sets. Do as many reps as you can for each set with perfect form, stopping at technical failure (i.e. you can't do any more without breaking form). Take 5 deep slow breaths between each set (30-60 seconds) and go again. If at the end of this, you have hit 25+ reps, add 5kg to the bar in your next session.

    For squats, twice a week should be enough. Especially if you're experiencing adverse effects. It's easy for the first couple of sessions, but then it gets brutal. You can't really adapt because both the volume and intensity is auto-regulated. It is possible to plateau. If this happens, pick your poison (try to grind through or drop the weight a few %) and take a run at it again. I find either one hit and miss. If one doesn't work, the other usually does.


    Not sure about your back issues (every injury is different of course), but for me, RDLs/SLDLs got me back to full strength pretty quickly. Their much safer than lifting off the floor, with a lot of the same benefits. I find with deadlifts, you get 100% of the weight instantly, right when you're in the most vulnerable position. With RDLs/SLDLs you increase the forces on your lower back gradually, starting in a position where it's least vulnerable. It's not a perfect substitute for the strength gains made pulling and grunting from the floor, but weighing up risk/reward I think the smart money is on RDLs for me.

    • Like 1
  16. 32 minutes ago, Paul in the woods said:

    I don't think it's sulphur tuft as they don't have little groves in the cap and I would expect the gills at that age to be more green.


    Funnily enough I've realised that a large crop of fungi growing in my chicken run is Coprinellus micaceus but they are beigey brown rather than yellow.


    Are you able to get any more pictures when the caps have aged?

    I'm rarely in that area. I'll make a point of stopping by that tree if I am nearby in the near future though.


    2 hours ago, Steve Bullman said:

    im actually half way through migrating all the old data onto this site, just needs further development work that I haven't got the time for at present.

    Good to know that it's not forgotten. It was a useful little resource.

  17. Looks close. Stems aren't as thick on my ones though.

    That's a cool website either way. If you were any way mycologically inclines, showing the spores under a microscope is pretty cool.

    Whatever happened to the Arbtalk Fungi Directory?


  18. 223770632_WhatsAppImage2020-10-28at15_40.58(1).thumb.jpeg.f082f0bd4f09493db5291619430b8a73.jpeg1205792479_WhatsAppImage2020-10-28at15_40.58(2).thumb.jpeg.da1211ec26b67504600f32bb7f6b2eda.jpeg

    Any ideas? The host tree was almost completely dead and more ivy than tree, so hard to tell what species. It was most likely either and Ash or an Oak judging by its neighbours. There was a Castanea nearby also, but that appears to be an odd one out.


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