Pat, who has worked for and with me for quite some time, has his own biz now, Westside Tree Care. He needs me, my crew and chipper for some of his jobs. The job entailed removing a cottonwood with a maple growing nearly together and two more maples. These were normal sized trees, 24-30" dbh and 60-110 feet tall. The tree pictured in these images was ~42" dbh and 140 feet tall, with a secondary trunk of ~20" which grew up and out, thus totally weighted to the side. Challenging removal, with a cedar understory, plus a fence, sprinkler line and shed for obstacles. Oh, and the septic drain field on the side away from the fence. We did the job Tuesday and Wednesday in good weather. My computer was acting up....couldnt get the images downloaded for ages. Doubt I slept more than two hours Wed nite. Then, Thursday was ugly wet. Yesterday nice. Rain here was snow in the mountains, even at Crystals base. I'm still tired, but am leaving to ski Crystal for today and maybe tomorrow in a few minutes. Should be some heavy powder to ski (chowder) before the sun comes out, which is supposed to be happening later, with tomorrow looking nice and warmer!
We lowered a wickedly huge top..and the video is rather impressive!
Pat's going back to finish the last 50-60 feet of big wood this morning. I gave him several ideas on how to get the rounds off. Since I don't have one of Reg's "Block Drivers", I didn't include the best option.
Edit, I wrote the above on the TH, a couple days after we did the job on May 8... Today is the 24th and I'm going skiing again at some time this weekend. Left my skis at Crystal to be tuned. Gotta go get them, make a few turns, as I'm going to Mt Hood on June 22, my way of celebrating my 65th birthday!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!