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Posts posted by Kveldssanger

  1. As the tree officer, can you see previous applications relating to this tree?


    To me, it has the possible sense of 'we've moved into the house and we really like trees, but out in the countryside, not here in our garden as it's big and blocks our light and what if it fell over so it would be better if we removed it. Oh dear, it seems to have a TPO on it - lets see if we can apply to remove it. Oh we can't - lets see how much we can get permission to hack it back by. It makes a mess - let's see if we can get someone to say that it's dangerous so that we can remove it....




    I most definitely could access them, yes. A tree officer (who now doesn't work for the council any more) would have approved the works a few years ago when it was crowned (before my time) - in my view I would have looked to have suggested a far less 'aggressive' reduction.


    With regards to your point about that potential mentality - that might well be the case. However, the owner genuinely seemed concerned so I'm going to suggest it was ignorance on behalf of the owner. It is just a shame that such a lovely oak suddenly found itself in the middle of a housing estate and is now being punished in the way of heavy reductions.


    Don't get me started on the "oh I love trees but just not when they are by my house".


    I am however shocked at the sheer number of Acer saccharinum and Tilia x europaea planted as street trees in very densely populated areas. It's absurd. At the same time there is a poor representation of Sorbus on the streets.

  2. What is the outcome of all this and why the importance of a definitive answer from a business perspective ie do you want to remove the tree or retain it or what ?


    To be honest I was just curious more than anything. As a tree officer for a local authority I like to keep a tabs on what goes on with TPO'd trees, and in case I ever get called to something similar (or even the same tree) I have a greater understanding.

  3. Hey all. I'm a tree officer working for a local authority with a university background in environmental conservation. I'm rather new to arboriculture (under a year - left university last summer) though am thoroughly enjoying being within the industry.

  4. Please see the comments added to your post.


    I believe the owner has been there for 5 years. The oak was reduced three summers ago, so two years after the now owner of the property moved in. Unfortunately the owner did state to me at the time he was interested in reducing it again in a year or two in order to keep it in the state it is in now.


    The reduction was indeed sanctioned, and in my own view it was an incredibly harsh reduction on the oak. The reduction was linear, and was mainly because the crown was encroaching on other buildings within the immediate area. My own view is that only one main limb was within such distance to a property that it arguably warranted a reduction, though I think the owner chose to crown the entire oak instead to appease other neighbours who may have concerns also. The oak was not dying back in any way, so I understand.


    Your final comment definitely resonates well with me, and I am very inclined to agree entirely.



  5. I recently inspected an oak (covered by a TPO) within a garden. The owner of the tree has stated that over the last two summers there has been a large amount of leaf / twig litter coming from the tree during the height of summer.


    The summer before the owner noticed the change in debris volume coming from the oak, it had received a very heavy crown reduction - I would estimate anywhere in the shape of 30-40% of the crown had been removed. As a result, the oak is now 'bushing out' in the crown.


    The oak is within a very enclosed space - it was a retained tree from what I imagine was an old field hedgerow when the estate in which the owner lives was built. As a result, there is likely to be a degree of soil compaction and other additional stressors impacting upon the oak that it previously never experienced. In addition to the heavy crown reduction of recent, am I right in suspecting the increase in debris volume is as a result of general stress?


    The only other thing I could consider was squirrels were using the oak to sharpen their gnashers.


    During my inspection I noted no visible signs of fungal decay. Whilst one side of the oak was considerably more buttressed than the other side, there were no visible signs of deterioration.


    Any help here would be hugely appreciated.

  6. It is indeed a goat willow - I tend to identify these trees by the buds; they're very much pressed to the stem even in summer. Compiled with the leaves being rather wide (with a small hook to the side at the tip) and the diamond-shaped incisions on the bark, it can be quite a simple tree to identify once you know its traits.


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