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Posts posted by LancsMike

  1. Mate of mine linked me to this guys videos, was bit young when it was around but been watching them and can't help but feel like I missed out on some amazing motorsport history with Group B Rallying.


    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4UuZ5mauKk]YouTube - ‪Group B - Crazy Fans‬‎[/ame]


    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Zo0e-HwCZU&feature=related]YouTube - ‪The Group B Experience‬‎[/ame]


    Anyone else feel the same ?

  2. Evenin' all, I was sent this from a friend - I had a watch of this and it made me wonder how far this extends in terms of our Government. The figures quoted are pretty staggering to say the least.


    Hope you enjoy it, its very enlightening. An interesting thing to note with Walter Burien, since he's become more and more outspoken on this topic he's disappeared, Forums and groups he was actively involved with have no idea where he is...


    CAFR - Walter Burien - The Biggest Game in Town - documentary

  3. Not alot of work around here atm mate, try arboricare or hi-line there biggish companies but do alot of powerline stuff. Could try ashculme tree care, there signs are littered all over the place around here so get there number off one of there signs lol


    I'd say try Hi-Line too mate, they have a big office up in Bristol as well as Exeter but cover most of the West Country.


    Edit : Think they also have offices in Bridgwater if memory serves me right.

  4. Not so, I am afraid.


    The 10% +3 threshold was one that ACPO (the Association of Chief Police Officers) decided was sensible simply to prevent police forces (sorry - they're "services" now not forces) from being overwhelmed with paperwork and prosecutions. If you book *everybody* who is even slightly over the limit the whole system will grind to a halt due to the sheer volume of speeding tickets. However it is not the law and it is not mandatory. Now it is fashionable to assume (a) that all motorists are evil and should be punished, and (b) motorists who exceed the speed limit are the most evil and should be treated like would-be murderers, many police "services" are choosing to ignore the ACPO guidelines and prosecute everyone.


    The issue of speedometers is equally misunderstood. By law a speedo may be inaccurate by (if I recall correctly) no more than 10% but it must not under-read at all, so if for example it is reading 50mph you could actually be doing anything from 45mph to 50mph but not more than 50mph. However it is not cost effective to manufacture a speedo to these specs (i.e, making one that is guaranteed not to under-read) and most good modern speedos are approximately plus/minus 5%. They are therefore designed to over-read by 5%, since they will therefore be legal with the +/-5% accuracy on top of this - they will never under-read. In this way if you have a +/-5% speedo designed to over-read by 5%, when it shows 50mph you ought to be doing 47.5mph +/- 2.5mph which keeps everything legal.


    Police traffic vehicles have calibrated speedos (expensive) which will probably be less than 1% variant from true.


    The bottom line is that if you are even 1mph over the limit you could be done for speeding.


    Thats pretty interesting Treewolf, had no idea it actually worked that way, will keep it in mind in the future thanks :thumbup:

  5. i like to get real friendly with the back bumper of the car infront, especially if its a learner on a steep uphill, just to intimidate them into fluffing up their clutch control and rolling back into the landy hahahahaha. then i'd not acknowledge the incident in any way and just drive off.. good luck with the lessons mate, dont forget to check yr mirrors, i'll let ya drive the landy offroad friday if you want practice


    Now how did I know you'd be the type to do that Ed :laugh1: that'd be really cool mate on Friday, forgot to call tonight mate I'll give you a bell tomorrow, what times best ?

  6. Tbh I had to attend a speed awareness course it receive 3 points for doing 36 in a 30 and the above got mentioned . The instructors said it was a loaf of rubbish and that I'd you were caught doing 1mph more than the speed limit you could still get done. I was told the same as previously and most of the others thought the same.


    Its just black and white apparently.


    Speeding has got to increase the chances of having an accident it just depends if it is the main contributing factor our not.


    I agree that its more than likely unattentive drivers that are the problem. But, after all we are only human and not concentrating for a second in the wrong circumstances is possibly more than enough time too cause an accident.


    Thanks for the heads up Mester, good to keep in mind definetely. As said for me I always keep it at the line or a little bit below like today in 30 zones, I was more comfortable going at 25-29mph rather than sitting it on the line.


    You're right that were only human but I guess it just makes me want to be even more vigilant - last week during my 2hr lesson I was practicing taking road junctions and an older woman, guess she was in her late 40's or early 50's decided to blindly do a U turn coming from my left at the junction, carved me up and nearly caused an accident - only reason there wasn't one was because I clocked her darting out from behind the hedge to my left and got on the brakes quickly, she was already 50% into her U turn, looked across saw me and my Instructor and just shrugged her shoulders like she had done nothing wrong despite my Instructor was swearing like a sailor and shaking his fist at her :laugh1:


    Edit : The thing that really narks me more than unattentive drivers though are people who sit right on your rear bumper at Traffic lights/junctions going uphill, for me as a learner its even more alarming because even though I'm comfortable with my clutch control all it'd take is for me to make one slip up, roll back and crunch the front end of their car. Why do people insist on getting as close as possible on an uphill Junction / Traffic lights ? damn infuriating to say the least.

  7. Looks like there was a bit of divine intervention from he on high who with his big cosmic key unlocked the thread.:001_tongue:


    Lets all keep it sensible eh or there could be a bit of smiting!:scared1:


    It's all going a bit Monty Python, Life of Brian or Holy Grail anyone ? :laugh1:


    With this thread it made me think of a good couple of thought provoking Documentaries I watched online, I'll put them up here but they are quite long so would recommend sitting down with a cuppa tea/coffee and watching them.


    I wouldn't take the videos as absolute fact either, let you guys decide for yourself. :thumbup:


    Zeitgeist, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition


    And the followup


    Zeitgeist: Addendum

  8. You're right Sky, I'd happily stick with an attentive driver any day of the week thats a little bit faster than a muppet behind the Wheel.


    On the speed thing, I was talking to my Instructor during my lesson today and he was telling me for a fact there is a 10% allowance + 3mph, so if its a 30mph zone you can be doing upto 36mph / 50mph - upto 58mph but obviously you want to keep a bit below that and so on. From what I can gather the police allow that threshold due to the possibility of Speedo's being a bit off but for me personally I'd rather keep it a bit lower than the actual threshold and keep it on the line of 30/40/50 etc. Hope that helps mate.

  9. This thread has been a constant source of amusement for me! Shame to see it go soon. There have been some great points made too. Liking your point of view LancsMike.. Summed up my thoughts better than I could ever put it. :D


    Thanks mate, I appreciate it just putting forward an alternate take on stuff :biggrin:


    OK, so god has no creator and was not designed.


    So a creationist cannot argue that the world is too complex and wonderful to have no creator or designer, as by their own admission they believe that an even more wonderful and complex thing had no designer.


    Good post Skyhuck mate, it highlights the use of logic which I was trying to get accross in earlier posts :thumbup:


    @ Timber - I'm not saying you are wrong or that your belief is not noble which it is, more that Christianity has a tendency as shown with History to corrupt its belief structure when its applicable for those higher up in the Hierarchy of the Church.


    However I'm glad you're seeing other points of view in this thread which is what the aim is and why were all enjoying a good discussion because we all might learn a bit about each other and some information from each other too. :thumbup1:

  10. I'm learning to drive at the moment and not once have I gone over the speed limit - reason being I've seen what speeding can do, years ago my Dad was in a horrendous accident due to a drunk driver speeding at well over a 100, ploughed into a woman/mother in a little hatchback [ think it was a little Saxo or something ] killed the daughter and smashed into my dad doing well over 80 mph head on and all but nearly hospitalised my dad - the only reason he wasn't in a worser condition was because he was in a Land Rover Discovery with bullbars and that was a total write off.


    As for speed Cameras, I don't see a problem with them personally, if you're not speeding then you won't get caught out so its not really a stealth tax, just a clever way to make sure people don't race about like nutters although I do agree, there should be more police on the roads pulling over people for driving like a prat tailgating etc. Last week during one of my lessons I had a white van man tailgating me that bad if I tapped on the breaks he would have banged right into the back of the Mazda I was driving.

  11. To quote a certain music group "if you believe in God then you have to believe in the devil". What's not to say the devil is doing it????.....




    Children often ask "who made God?" The answer is simple - if someone or thing made God then they would have to be greater than God in the first place and thus would actually BE God thus the the made God wouldn't be.


    Nice. There is plenty of evidence - you just have to look another way. The theory (not fact - fact!) of evolution directly contradicts all the laws of thermodynamics for starters. That's another one...

    So what is the truth then? Having angrily attempted to demolish one particular belief system, no alternative is offered - is none required? BTW - not to be taken personally. Debate not war! Do other faiths attract your opposition i.e. Islam???


    Satan needs to exist in Christianity in order for comparative to what Good and Evil are, without Satan God wouldn't exist and vice versa, its a symbiotic relationship for comparative purposes - flawed really as its a means to psychologically threaten people into obedience - its far more satisfying and gratifying being a good human being without having to be driven to it with fear.


    The answer is simple when you use Circular logic to justify a God you believe in, that doesn't mean he factually exists.


    You're criticising Darwinism as well as Adaptation theory, but I've yet to see you reply to what was posted earlier in the thread regarding the use of Absolute logic erasing then need for belief in an organised religion, in your case Christianity. But when it also suits you use Scientific theory to justify your disbelief of Darwinism which logically, you can't do because the Scientific theory in this case is in direct contradiction to your belief structure of Christianity, unless of course were talking in terms of Creationism taking bits of Scientific theory and doctoring it to justify its belief structure in which case its not an accurate argument or even logical belief.


    All faiths personally for me attract my attention and I happily engage in debate regarding it and accept the others point of view but also offer my own, in this case however you're ignoring many of the posts regarding alternate points of view and merely put your own forward in this case towards Skyhuck because you maybe find it easier to target his argument, why have you left so many posts/questions/debates unanswered ?


    On a final note in this reply, since you used quotes I'll add a couple also for reflection -


    A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. - Friedrich Nietzsche


    Is man one of God's blunders? Or is God one of man's blunders? - Friedrich Nietzsche


    And my personal favourite...


    The "kingdom of Heaven" is a condition of the heart - not something that comes "upon the earth" or "after death." - Friedrich Nietzsche

  12. I know of a case where a well meaning atheist systematically dismantled somebody`s belief system. That person had a nervous breakdown. Pulling away someones psycological foundation can do alot of damage. Sometimes people need to realise the slow way. Obviously there are some extreme cults that do alot of damage and if you can help people out of that then that is all well and good. I would always question if enlighten means to bring clarity to someone or to convert to your opinion. There are also alot of people that get alot from their religion. I`m not religious by the way.


    By the way its interesting to note that in former communist countries its the in thing for kids to be religious, in Eastern Europe and in China so its possible that the current western trend for atheism may change in a generation or two.


    Good post Alinicoll :thumbup1:


    You're absolutely right about dismantling a belief structure, in ways such as Dawkins it's quite destructive in how he does it because he's not trying to educate, more trying to force his viewpoint and argue that Evolutionary theory is true which, for arguments sake it may not be - there are many theories out there regarding the creation of life which in my opinion should be explored to further our understanding as a species.


    I dislike Creationism and Organised Religion primarily due to it putting Humans on a pedestal in that they view Humans as the only Animals to have Sentient properties, there has been a lot of studies out there even with Plants and Tree's where they have communicated, not in our terms of an actual language but through sound properties and waves - some people are even taking it further in terms of the ability to diagnose tree diseases and infections. But it also extends to other species of Animal on this planet - to view Humans as superior is quite bigoted really and illogical because Religion relies on Logic to justify itself but then forces people to rely on the irrational to cement the belief structure. The only way to combat or remedy this is through education, but not everyone can be convinced.


    The other interesting one is the Hadron Collider in Switzerland/France - If the mechanics of this universe can be explained using this piece of scentific study I think we can further our understanding more as a species especially relating to Chaos Theory and how we came into exsistence - I just hope those who practice Religion can open their mind more to accept this rather than relying on the teachings of the Bible, Torah or Koran.

  13. On a lighter note, this topic reminded me of a clip I saw of George Carlin which is a more light hearted but interesting take on things.


    Theres a bit of strong language as a heads up - if its an issue feel free to delete my post Steve / Mods.


    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzEs2nj7iZM]YouTube - George Carlin The Ten Commandments Broken Down[/ame]

  14. I believe that God is real because I have a relationship with him through His son Jesus. However, this is very hard to understand if you do not believe it in the first place.


    You ask for proof for creation by God, it is all around us. When I look at Creation it shows me that there must be a grand designer. This is of course a basic argument and if u seek more in depth apologetics such as the fine tuning argument then I recomend that you read John Lennox book (Gods Undertaker-has science buried God)


    I believe this fossil was formed when both fish were suddenly buried in a sediment grave of enormous dimensions, then they were cemented into that grave by immense pressure of rising sea water.


    To me this fossil is evidence of the Genesis flood.


    I believe that this fossil is proof for the Genesis flood and therefore the validity of the Bible.


    Interesting links, thanks for sharing Matt.


    The fundamental mechanics of this debate though are being skewed, you're arguing in this case a paradigm and the problem with it like any Religion is that it relies on flawed or rather circular logic to justify not only itself but other arguments outside of that - it doesn't allow for progressive, evolved thinking. That isn't to take the argument of Dawkins using his Evolutionary principles but mankinds thinking as a whole.


    Religion was an implement used in the past to justify things outside of our comprehension, perfect example being when Corpses released gas in times of old they were convinced they were Vampires. Which illustrates perfectly the difference between Absolute logic and belief, their belief was true, they 110% believed that the deceased had become Vampires but in actual fact was it the case ? No, science has proven that to the contrary like many things.


    Dawkins doesn't really strike me as being an evolved thinking as hes clinging onto his belief of Evolutionary theory just as much as the Creationist and both are banging their heads together to justify each others arguments - there isn't a debate or dialogue, its just rhetoric on both sides. The only way for Humanity as a whole to progress outside of problem's such as that is to initiate dialogue and open debate and from that, form new paradigms, experiments and the like. That isn't to say God does not exsist but it doesn't say he does exsist either.


    The other issue is what you said in that the Fossil is justification or proof of the Genesis flood, there isn't a single piece of evidence to support that argument, you're using applied logic with your Christian belief to justify what you believe is true or in more simpler terms, its a self fulfilling prophecy.


    Science hasn't buried God, Science has buried Religion and hopefully Humanity can follow suit because its a very dogmatic and inflammatory way to divide people and cause suffering as shown throughout the history of Humanity.

  15. Mind altering drugs have been used since the dawn of time and if it's ok for those tribel blokes in the far corners of the amazon jungle to use them it should be ok for my business account manager to use them when he reviews my overdraft facility


    Exactly ! :laugh1:


    I agree, it is a mind altering Drug Mesterh and I'm not disputing that mate - what I am saying is the cases that you've seen I'd guess at the people abused Cannabis, ie wake up, roll a joint, its dinner time, roll a joint, its tea time, roll a joint - that isn't a healthy lifestyle both physiologically and psychologically.


    On the negative effects though, it tends to be more psychologically motivated, you're right Alcoholics won't admit they have a problem just like Severe cases of cannabis abusers won't admit its a problem and they have a grip on the drug and that it isnt controlling them. With Cannabis it can cause psychosis ie severe paranoia, possible violence and so on but that is heavily played up in the Media to terrify people into thinking its a horrendous drug, it really isn't its just like having a pint after work, very safe and can be actually quite healthy IF.. its respected, but in a lot of cases I've encountered people do abuse it which is a shame, but its undermining the case for legalisation as well as forfeiting the true benefits of a very useful Plant.

  16. I think there are reasons why its illegal tbh.



    I think if they did something about paying people to not work we might get somewhere, that and stopping benefits to 'single' mums with loads of kids .:sneaky2:


    What reasoning though ? Alcohol is an extremely damaging drug, along with Tobacco and many others yet they are legal. Logically looking at it Cannabis like many of these is probably less damaging physiologically as well as like many things in life - in moderation there isn't an issue, if you abuse cannabis like alcohol it'll abuse you in return. I can't personally see any logical reason why Cannabis is treated with contempt.

  17. I would also put 50% tax on canabis, that should fill the defecit within 12 month


    Now that is a revolutionary idea, but I doubt the Government or the general public [ ie Daily Mail readers ] would allow that, can imagine the headlines '' Government are letting the hippys run riot ! '' :lol: Even though from a practical sense, Police spending could be better directed to more important issues and drugs such as Heroin/Cocaine, and the taxation generated from Cannabis both recreational and medicinal would be a huge income for the Government and reduce the criminality - you could turn illegal activities into legal businesses.

  18. Done a variety of jobs since I was 13 during school holidays for my Dad and Grandad working in the yard sweeping up, got a bit older worked on the Wagons my dad has, moved to a Car Dealership for a few months. Then moved to Yorkshire, worked for Dole Office for a bit [ souldestroying job ] then Asda nightshift, applied for work in Manchester for a change of Scenery, ended up working for the Bank of New York and it made me realise putting me behind a desk is a good way to make me bored and look elsewhere. Good mate of mine down in Cullompton Devon was a tree surgeon for 10 years, asked him about the job decided to get my Saw Tickets up at TKF in Holmfirth and haven't looked back since - love the work, the ethos and learning about Tree's. If anything I pity those lot stuck behind a desk all day while I get to play with chainsaws all day and get paid for it :laugh1:


    Awesome way of life :thumbup1:

  19. Left For Dead 2 is a blast. The chainsaw looks like a sly cross between the 2. It's a cruel thing game developers like to do to keep us wondering.


    It is a damn fun game :thumbup: I'll have to drop you a PM mate, have a game with you on Steam sometime if you fancy it


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