when people say "at th'end of day...." coz they haven'y got the vocab skills to say anything else....
General Rudeness....
Rude Drivers.....
40mph Drivers....
Rude Fat people.....
People with too much money who know they have to much money and are stingy with it trying to get the job done as cheap as possible....
Dog Muck...
Cat Muck....
People who forward everything they think is funny to everyone else via e-mail.....
People that get in the way in crowded shopping centres....
The Incorrect use of apostrophe's (see)......
Badly planned and badly executed projects....
The Bee-Gees.....
Salesmen trying to make my mind uo for me when i have no problem doing it myself....
Pushy Salesmen (and women)....
Litter and untidyness
Really Pushy Salesmen (and women)....
"irony & ironic" - would that be Socratic irony? Usually things are unfortunate or coincidental, NOT ironic. And irony is also quantum because saying something is rather ironic is like saying something is almost unique.....
"like" is used like "kinda" by those scared of making definite statements. Worse, it is used like this: "and I was like, whoa!"......
People who claim urban legends are true (because it happend to a friend).....
People who text in txt language (cuz it quikr thn ritin nrmlly m8 ) (bad example but i'm on one).....
People with no sense of humour.....
People who use words without knowing its meaning.....
People who sneeze over others.....
Smoking (have i said that? Ah well people smokin whilst others are eating)....
Shania Twain....
Drunken Morons who can't handle the pop....
And people who have toooooo many pet hates....