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Posts posted by tommer9

  1. In 1995 (20 years ago) NATO rescued the Bosnian Muslims from genocide by bombing the Serbian forces who were intent on carrying out the ethnic cleansing of all Bosnian Muslims.


    According to who, and why exactly...?


    Always 2 sides to every story...

    13 years since NATO aggression against Serbia: Violation of Human rights of Serbs in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

  2. NOt thought about it TBH, but now you mention it I havehardly seen any, a few dormant queens earlier this year and the odd wasp flying about. I was privileged enough to see a hornet 2 days ago though. Nesting under the slab left from the elm we milled last year ( see pics in the elm thread lol). I always feel very lucky to see hornets.

  3. You are entitled to you views but I really wouldn't waste your time and life worrying about such things, life's to short. Enjoy it while you can. You will never change things.


    haha fair play hodge! If i can enlighten (is that the right word) even one person then it was worth it...



    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a Socialist.


    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.


    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a Jew.


    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

  4. I am struggling with a lot of things in life at the moment, but one of the biggest is the overpowering and all pervading view of world politics that the majority of the western world seem to have. We are suffering attacks on innnocent people more and more often, the latest and most prominnt of course being the horror in Tunisia. My heart bleeds for those affected.

    But what makes me really sad is that the US/UK led coalition that most people seem to believe are the 'goodies' here are, in my opinion, the aggressors in what is an unjust war of terror, dressed up as a war on terror. I cannot see that the world would not be a better place if this horror waged by western forces was stopped. The creation of a common enemy (obviously the trend over the last 25 years is against muslims) is nothing short of a smokescreen to a US led form of imperialism/ colonialism.

    sadly the campaign of misinformation that the mainstream media seems fit to palm us off with,(U.S. Propaganda 101: Illegally Invade Countries, Fund the Media, Call it ?Independent? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization )towing the bush/ blair/ obama/ cameron party line is simply aggravating this, and at the same time encouraging bigotry , fear and hatred. Coupled with the hold that these tyrants and their followers have over mainstream media, it seems to me that we are destined for years more violence and aggression. As the masses are conditioned to a heightened state of xenophobia by ever more regular reports of 'terrorist atrocities' thus garnering support for the hideous foreign policies led by the US, so the xenophobia and mass hysteria follows, setting the scene perfectly for the US led coalition to continue their policy of state sponsored murder, unchecked.

    It seems tpo me like a sort of brainwashing. Look at the marches against war in the Blair period! NOw I am sure the marches would be PRO war. And to what end? Violence on an ever increasing scale towards the west. A scale of violence and regularity of incidents the likes of which we have never seen.

    I am expecting a tirade of hatred against this post, but the simple fact is that once you have actually bothered to look past the views expounded by the likes of Wikipedia, The daily Mail, CNN, BBC (none of whom have any interest in reporting anything remotely like the truth, and given their sources couldnt even if they DID want to) it is quite clear to see that we are in a very very dangerous state of world politics right now, and that the perceived enemy is not always the aggressor(America?s “Coordinated” Multinational Ramadan Terrorist Attacks. France, Tunisia, Kuwait, China | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization). One only has to scratch the surface to see the evidence of the lies expounded in order that the masses support the murder in the name of antiterrorism that are happening all round the world.

    For example we hear all the time about how ISIS have done this that or the other and must be stopped.....but it isnt quite as simple as that:US Admits Paying Al-Qaeda and ISIS Terrorists For Services Rendered In Syria | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

    We are told endlessly about NATO forces trying to bring peace, yet there seems more and more compelling evidence that NATO forces have a much darker roll around the world.....

    This obviously flies in the face of what is currently perceived as the status quo, socio-politically speaking, i.e it is the opposite of what western politicians want us to believe, and with which they seem to be succeeding. So why would anybody make such outlandish claims?

    Quite simply, money and oil. The propagande machine is working overtime to hide from the general populus the truth behind how the world stage is set at the moment and possibly the future for us all...(its very bleak BTW).

    Propaganda Reigns In The West | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

    To me this is such an important issue. Like i said earlier, I expect to be shot down in flames for having a view that is NOT that fed to us by the warmongers and vehicles of hatred that seek to quell any opposition to the murder machine we have in power in the west, especially given the strong ex=miliatary contingent in this industry. Dont get me wrong, I am not for one moment suggesting that all the worlds problems are caused by the system/ state of play we have at the moment, but unless we ALL get our heads out of the sand, through our blind belief and trust of what we are told to think and the misinformation we are fed on a daily basis, this ultimate danger to world peace wil continue unchecked.

    And it is just going to get worse. 40 years of east west relations have now been undone in tyhe last 18 months, as outlined in the last article I have linked.

    These are dark times. The nuclear threat is ever growing, and not just in regards to eatern europe....The War on Yemen, America’s Plans to Use Nuclear Weapons against the Middle East | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization.

    If you have read this far, and you are neither bored to tears or blood boilingly angry, then fair play. I hope these are not the ramblings of a madman, I dont think I have lost it totally yet lol! However these things (and i could waffle on for ever) are so prominent in my mind, and the outpourings of grief becoming so regular, if ONE person looks a bit deeper and sees past the rubbish we are fed, and it makes the tiniest bit of difference......well it was worth it IMO.

    as for source material, the website I draw heavily on, Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization is a site that collates news from people that are INDEPENDANT of the usual mainstream media. These are journalists who dont receive their 'facts' from NATO press releases, or US/UK miliatary briefeings whilst holed up in a designated hotel in the war zone. Hence they are able to report on what they SEE not what they are TOLD to see. They dont work for or get a wage from the site, it is more a place where they can submit articles for publish.


    P.s. Sorry for typos.....

    p.p.s I am not aiming to cause any offence here either, just expressing my views.

  5. Well my dealer has an ultrasonic cleaner that cost me about a tenner once to clean the carb. Stuff buying alkalite fuel, its far far far cheaper to get the carb cleaned every 18 months or whatever. Esp given I average over a gallon a day, and Im a small company.

  6. Sun burn stops me from working, factor 30 stops me from burning, therefore I shall use it! That article seems dubious to me; lack of exposure to the sun is more likely to be caused by the modern sedentary lifestyle (slobbing indoors watching TV etc) which is probably the cause of Ill health, not the lack of sunlight caused by sun cream. A very poor scientific study indeed.



  7. It says a certain amount of sunlight helps with the production of Vit D but the time and length of exposure will vary on many dependants such as skin type strength of rays etc.. But we should still cover up.


    Indeed, cover up but NOT with sunblock:thumbup1:

  8. Yep, and that is because of unproven, PERCEIVED wisdonm that makes one assume immediately what the cause is.....Until the last few years I would happily slap on sun block like the rest of them, blindly following the perceived wisdom....

    Anyway, plenty of reading matter whichever view one choses to follow :-)

  9. I will have a read of this later but one persons research does not stop the fact that sun damage does cause Melanoma, FACT. If I had a choice over Vit D deficiency then I would sooner have that and take supplements. My friends Dad has just been diagnosed and he has been told it is years of not covering up or wearing a hat.

    Thanks for the input though.


    its not one persons research......these surveys are huge, and have been going on for years and years and years......I think I will copy and paste them as I really feel they are of the utmost importance.....

    The second article especially outlines WHY vit d supplements are not a suitable replacement too, by a LONG way.

  10. Good to bring this to our attention :001_smile:


    Until recently my work was predominantly indoor based but spent the last 3 years spending far more of my days working outside. We are up on Dartmoor which is about as cloudy as you get in England. Recently had to have an anomaly removed from my face. The Doc asked if I spent years abroad or holidayed in the sun which I have never done but even here the sun's rays can do their damage much to my surprise I might add. Now slap on the factor 40.


    Really guys, these myths are starting to be proven as myths more and more......it seems the perceived wisdom is very very wrong!!

    it seems that factor 40 could be the CAUSE of problems NOT the solution!!


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